- toasty.samplers.healpix_sampler(data, nest=False, coord='C', interpolation='nearest')[source]¶
Create a sampler for HEALPix image data.
- Parameters:
- dataarray
The HEALPix data
- nestbool (default: False)
Whether the data is ordered in the nested HEALPix style
- coord‘C’ | ‘G’
Whether the image is in Celestial (C) or Galactic (G) coordinates
- interpolation‘nearest’ | ‘bilinear’
What interpolation scheme to use.
WARNING: bilinear uses healpy’s get_interp_val, which seems prone to segfaults
- Returns:
- A function that samples the HEALPix data; the call signature is
vec2pix(lon, lat) -> data
, where the inputs and output are 2D arrays- and lon and lat are in radians.