Source code for toasty.cli

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019-2020 the AAS WorldWide Telescope project.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

"""Entrypoint for the "toasty" command-line interface.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import argparse
import os.path
import sys

# General CLI utilities

[docs]def die(msg): print('error:', msg, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def warn(msg): print('warning:', msg, file=sys.stderr)
# "cascade" subcommand
[docs]def cascade_getparser(parser): parser.add_argument( '--start', metavar = 'DEPTH', type = int, help = 'The depth of the TOAST layer to start the cascade', ) parser.add_argument( 'pyramid_dir', metavar = 'DIR', help = 'The directory containg the tile pyramid to cascade', )
[docs]def cascade_impl(settings): from .image import ImageMode from .merge import averaging_merger, cascade_images from .pyramid import PyramidIO pio = PyramidIO(settings.pyramid_dir) start = settings.start if start is None: die('currently, you must specify the start layer with the --start option') cascade_images(pio, ImageMode.RGBA, start, averaging_merger, cli_progress=True)
# "healpix_sample_data_tiles" subcommand
[docs]def healpix_sample_data_tiles_getparser(parser): parser.add_argument( '--outdir', metavar = 'PATH', default = '.', help = 'The root directory of the output tile pyramid', ) parser.add_argument( 'fitspath', metavar = 'PATH', help = 'The HEALPix FITS file to be tiled', ) parser.add_argument( 'depth', metavar = 'DEPTH', type = int, help = 'The depth of the TOAST layer to sample', )
[docs]def healpix_sample_data_tiles_impl(settings): from .builder import Builder from .image import ImageMode from .pyramid import PyramidIO from .samplers import healpix_fits_file_sampler pio = PyramidIO(settings.outdir) sampler = healpix_fits_file_sampler(settings.fitspath) builder = Builder(pio) builder.toast_base(ImageMode.F32, sampler, settings.depth) builder.write_index_rel_wtml() print(f'Successfully tiled input "{settings.fitspath}" at level {builder.imgset.tile_levels}.') print('To create parent tiles, consider running:') print() print(f' toasty cascade --start {builder.imgset.tile_levels} {settings.outdir}')
# "make_thumbnail" subcommand
[docs]def make_thumbnail_getparser(parser): from .image import ImageLoader ImageLoader.add_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( 'imgpath', metavar = 'IN-PATH', help = 'The image file to be thumbnailed', ) parser.add_argument( 'outpath', metavar = 'OUT-PATH', help = 'The location of the new thumbnail file', )
[docs]def make_thumbnail_impl(settings): from .image import ImageLoader olp = settings.outpath.lower() if not (olp.endswith('.jpg') or olp.endswith('.jpeg')): warn('saving output in JPEG format even though filename is "{}"'.format(settings.outpath)) img = ImageLoader.create_from_args(settings).load_path(settings.imgpath) thumb = img.make_thumbnail_bitmap() with open(settings.outpath, 'wb') as f:, format='JPEG')
# "multi_tan_make_data_tiles" subcommand
[docs]def multi_tan_make_data_tiles_getparser(parser): parser.add_argument( '--hdu-index', metavar = 'INDEX', type = int, default = 0, help = 'Which HDU to load in each input FITS file', ) parser.add_argument( '--outdir', metavar = 'PATH', default = '.', help = 'The root directory of the output tile pyramid', ) parser.add_argument( 'paths', metavar = 'PATHS', nargs = '+', help = 'The FITS files with image data', )
[docs]def multi_tan_make_data_tiles_impl(settings): from .multi_tan import MultiTanDataSource from .pyramid import PyramidIO pio = PyramidIO(settings.outdir) ds = MultiTanDataSource(settings.paths, hdu_index=settings.hdu_index) ds.compute_global_pixelization() print('Generating Numpy-formatted data tiles in directory {!r} ...'.format(settings.outdir)) percentiles = ds.generate_deepest_layer_numpy(pio) if len(percentiles): print() print('Median percentiles in the data:') for p in sorted(percentiles.keys()): print(' {} = {}'.format(p, percentiles[p]))
# TODO: this should populate and emit a stub index_rel.wtml file. # "pipeline_fetch_inputs" subcommand def _pipeline_add_io_args(parser): parser.add_argument( '--azure-conn-env', metavar = 'ENV-VAR-NAME', help = 'The name of an environment variable contain an Azure Storage ' 'connection string' ) parser.add_argument( '--azure-container', metavar = 'CONTAINER-NAME', help = 'The name of a blob container in the Azure storage account' ) parser.add_argument( '--azure-path-prefix', metavar = 'PATH-PREFIX', help = 'A slash-separated path prefix for blob I/O within the container' ) parser.add_argument( '--local', metavar = 'PATH', help = 'Use the local-disk I/O backend' ) def _pipeline_io_from_settings(settings): from .pipeline import AzureBlobPipelineIo, LocalPipelineIo if settings.local: return LocalPipelineIo(settings.local) if settings.azure_conn_env: conn_str = os.environ.get(settings.azure_conn_env) if not conn_str: die('--azure-conn-env=%s provided, but that environment variable is unset' % settings.azure_conn_env) if not settings.azure_container: die('--azure-container-name must be provided if --azure-conn-env is') path_prefix = settings.azure_path_prefix if not path_prefix: path_prefix = '' return AzureBlobPipelineIo( conn_str, settings.azure_container, path_prefix ) die('An I/O backend must be specified with the arguments --local or --azure-*')
[docs]def pipeline_fetch_inputs_getparser(parser): _pipeline_add_io_args(parser) parser.add_argument( 'workdir', metavar = 'WORKDIR', default = '.', help = 'The local working directory', )
[docs]def pipeline_fetch_inputs_impl(settings): from .pipeline import PipelineManager pipeio = _pipeline_io_from_settings(settings) mgr = PipelineManager(pipeio, settings.workdir) mgr.fetch_inputs()
# "pipeline_process_todos" subcommand
[docs]def pipeline_process_todos_getparser(parser): _pipeline_add_io_args(parser) parser.add_argument( 'workdir', metavar = 'WORKDIR', default = '.', help = 'The local working directory', )
[docs]def pipeline_process_todos_impl(settings): from .pipeline import PipelineManager pipeio = _pipeline_io_from_settings(settings) mgr = PipelineManager(pipeio, settings.workdir) mgr.process_todos()
# "pipeline_publish_todos" subcommand
[docs]def pipeline_publish_todos_getparser(parser): _pipeline_add_io_args(parser) parser.add_argument( 'workdir', metavar = 'WORKDIR', default = '.', help = 'The local working directory', )
[docs]def pipeline_publish_todos_impl(settings): from .pipeline import PipelineManager pipeio = _pipeline_io_from_settings(settings) mgr = PipelineManager(pipeio, settings.workdir) mgr.publish_todos()
# "pipeline_reindex" subcommand
[docs]def pipeline_reindex_getparser(parser): _pipeline_add_io_args(parser) parser.add_argument( 'workdir', metavar = 'WORKDIR', default = '.', help = 'The local working directory', )
[docs]def pipeline_reindex_impl(settings): from .pipeline import PipelineManager pipeio = _pipeline_io_from_settings(settings) mgr = PipelineManager(pipeio, settings.workdir) mgr.reindex()
# "tile_allsky" subcommand
[docs]def tile_allsky_getparser(parser): from .image import ImageLoader ImageLoader.add_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( '--outdir', metavar = 'PATH', default = '.', help = 'The root directory of the output tile pyramid', ) parser.add_argument( '--placeholder-thumbnail', action = 'store_true', help = 'Do not attempt to thumbnail the input image -- saves memory for large inputs', ) parser.add_argument( '--projection', metavar = 'PROJTYPE', default = 'plate-carree', help = 'The projection type of the input image (default: %(default)s; choices: %(choices)s)', choices = ['plate-carree', 'plate-carree-galactic', 'plate-carree-planet'], ) parser.add_argument( 'imgpath', metavar = 'PATH', help = 'The image file to be tiled', ) parser.add_argument( 'depth', metavar = 'DEPTH', type = int, help = 'The depth of the TOAST layer to sample', )
[docs]def tile_allsky_impl(settings): from .builder import Builder from .image import ImageLoader from .pyramid import PyramidIO img = ImageLoader.create_from_args(settings).load_path(settings.imgpath) pio = PyramidIO(settings.outdir) if settings.projection == 'plate-carree': from .samplers import plate_carree_sampler sampler = plate_carree_sampler(img.asarray()) elif settings.projection == 'plate-carree-galactic': from .samplers import plate_carree_galactic_sampler sampler = plate_carree_galactic_sampler(img.asarray()) elif settings.projection == 'plate-carree-planet': from .samplers import plate_carree_planet_sampler sampler = plate_carree_planet_sampler(img.asarray()) else: die('the image projection type {!r} is not recognized'.format(settings.projection)) builder = Builder(pio) # Do the thumbnail first since for large inputs it can be the memory high-water mark! if settings.placeholder_thumbnail: builder.make_placeholder_thumbnail() else: builder.make_thumbnail_from_other(img) builder.toast_base(img.mode, sampler, settings.depth, cli_progress=True) builder.write_index_rel_wtml() print(f'Successfully tiled input "{settings.imgpath}" at level {builder.imgset.tile_levels}.') print('To create parent tiles, consider running:') print() print(f' toasty cascade --start {builder.imgset.tile_levels} {settings.outdir}')
# "tile_study" subcommand
[docs]def tile_study_getparser(parser): from .image import ImageLoader ImageLoader.add_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( '--placeholder-thumbnail', action = 'store_true', help = 'Do not attempt to thumbnail the input image -- saves memory for large inputs', ) parser.add_argument( '--outdir', metavar = 'PATH', default = '.', help = 'The root directory of the output tile pyramid', ) parser.add_argument( 'imgpath', metavar = 'PATH', help = 'The study image file to be tiled', )
[docs]def tile_study_impl(settings): from .builder import Builder from .image import ImageLoader from .pyramid import PyramidIO img = ImageLoader.create_from_args(settings).load_path(settings.imgpath) pio = PyramidIO(settings.outdir) builder = Builder(pio) builder.default_tiled_study_astrometry() # Do the thumbnail first since for large inputs it can be the memory high-water mark! if settings.placeholder_thumbnail: builder.make_placeholder_thumbnail() else: builder.make_thumbnail_from_other(img) builder.tile_base_as_study(img, cli_progress=True) builder.write_index_rel_wtml() print(f'Successfully tiled input "{settings.imgpath}" at level {builder.imgset.tile_levels}.') print('To create parent tiles, consider running:') print() print(f' toasty cascade --start {builder.imgset.tile_levels} {settings.outdir}')
# "tile_wwtl" subcommand
[docs]def tile_wwtl_getparser(parser): from .image import ImageLoader ImageLoader.add_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( '--placeholder-thumbnail', action = 'store_true', help = 'Do not attempt to thumbnail the input image -- saves memory for large inputs', ) parser.add_argument( '--outdir', metavar = 'PATH', default = '.', help = 'The root directory of the output tile pyramid', ) parser.add_argument( 'wwtl_path', metavar = 'WWTL-PATH', help = 'The WWTL layer file to be processed', )
[docs]def tile_wwtl_impl(settings): from .builder import Builder from .image import ImageLoader from .pyramid import PyramidIO pio = PyramidIO(settings.outdir) builder = Builder(pio) img = builder.load_from_wwtl(settings, settings.wwtl_path) # Do the thumbnail first since for large inputs it can be the memory high-water mark! if settings.placeholder_thumbnail: builder.make_placeholder_thumbnail() else: builder.make_thumbnail_from_other(img) builder.tile_base_as_study(img, cli_progress=True) builder.write_index_rel_wtml() print(f'Successfully tiled input "{settings.wwtl_path}" at level {builder.imgset.tile_levels}.') print('To create parent tiles, consider running:') print() print(f' toasty cascade --start {builder.imgset.tile_levels} {settings.outdir}')
# The CLI driver:
[docs]def entrypoint(args=None): """The entrypoint for the \"toasty\" command-line interface. Parameters ---------- args : iterable of str, or None (the default) The arguments on the command line. The first argument should be a subcommand name or global option; there is no ``argv[0]`` parameter. """ # Set up the subcommands from globals() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subcommand") commands = set() for py_name, value in globals().items(): if py_name.endswith('_getparser'): cmd_name = py_name[:-10].replace('_', '-') subparser = subparsers.add_parser(cmd_name) value(subparser) commands.add(cmd_name) # What did we get? settings = parser.parse_args(args) if settings.subcommand is None: print('Run me with --help for help. Allowed subcommands are:') print() for cmd in sorted(commands): print(' ', cmd) return py_name = settings.subcommand.replace('-', '_') impl = globals().get(py_name + '_impl') if impl is None: die('no such subcommand "{}"'.format(settings.subcommand)) # OK to go! impl(settings)