Source code for toasty.pyramid

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 the AAS WorldWide Telescope project
# Licensed under the MIT License.

"""General tools for working with tile pyramids.

Toasty and the AAS WorldWide Telescope support two kinds of tile pyramid
formats: the all-sky TOAST projection, and “studies” which are tile pyramids
rooted in a subset of the sky using a tangential projection. Both kinds of
tile pyramids have much in common, and this module implements their
overlapping functionality.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

__all__ = '''

from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
import os.path

from .image import ImageLoader

Pos = namedtuple('Pos', 'n x y')

[docs]def next_highest_power_of_2(n): """Ugh, this implementation is so dumb. We also assume that we are being called in a tiling context, in which case numbers less than 256 should be bumped up to 256 (the number of pixels in a single tile). """ p = 256 while p < n: p *= 2 return p
[docs]def depth2tiles(depth): """Return the total number of tiles in a WWT tile pyramid of depth *depth*.""" return (4 ** (depth + 1) - 1) // 3
[docs]def tiles_at_depth(depth): """ Return the number of tiles in the WWT tile pyramid layer at depth *depth*. """ return 4**depth
[docs]def is_subtile(deeper_pos, shallower_pos): """Determine if one tile is a child of another. Parameters ---------- deeper_pos : Pos A tile position. shallower_pos : Pos A tile position that is shallower than *deeper_pos*. Returns ------- True if *deeper_pos* represents a tile that is a child of *shallower_pos*. """ if deeper_pos.n < shallower_pos.n: raise ValueError('deeper_pos has a lower depth than shallower_pos') if deeper_pos.n == shallower_pos.n: return deeper_pos.x == shallower_pos.x and deeper_pos.y == shallower_pos.y return is_subtile(pos_parent(deeper_pos)[0], shallower_pos)
[docs]def pos_parent(pos): """Return a tile position's parent. Parameters ---------- pos : Pos A tile position. Returns ------- parent : Pos The tile position that is the parent of *pos*. x_index : integer, 0 or 1 The horizontal index of the child inside its parent. y_index : integer, 0 or 1 The vertical index of the child inside its parent. """ if pos.n < 1: raise ValueError('cannot take the parent of a tile position with depth < 1') parent = Pos( n = pos.n - 1, x = pos.x // 2, y = pos.y // 2 ) return parent, pos.x % 2, pos.y % 2
[docs]def pos_children(pos): """Return the children of a tile position. Parameters ---------- pos : :class:`Pos` A tile position. Returns ------- A list of four child :class:`Pos` instances. The return value is guaranteed to always be a list, and the order of the children will always be: top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right. """ n, x, y = pos.n, pos.x, pos.y n += 1 x *= 2 y *= 2 return [ Pos(n=n, x=x, y=y ), Pos(n=n, x=x + 1, y=y ), Pos(n=n, x=x, y=y + 1), Pos(n=n, x=x + 1, y=y + 1), ]
def _postfix_pos(pos, depth): if pos.n > depth: return for immed_child in pos_children(pos): for item in _postfix_pos(immed_child, depth): yield item yield pos
[docs]def generate_pos(depth): """Generate a pyramid of tile positions. The generate proceeds in a broadly deeper-first fashion. In particular, if a position *p* is yielded, you can assume that its four children have been yielded previously, unless the depth of *p* is equal to *depth*. Parameters ---------- depth : int The tile depth to recurse to. Yields ------ pos : :class:`Pos` An individual position to process. """ for item in _postfix_pos(Pos(0, 0, 0), depth): yield item
[docs]class PyramidIO(object): """Manage I/O on a tile pyramid.""" def __init__(self, base_dir, scheme='L/Y/YX'): self._base_dir = base_dir if scheme == 'L/Y/YX': self._tile_path = self._tile_path_LsYsYX self._scheme = '{1}/{3}/{3}_{2}' elif scheme == 'LXY': self._tile_path = self._tile_path_LXY self._scheme = 'L{1}X{2}Y{3}' else: raise ValueError(f'unsupported "scheme" option for PyramidIO: {scheme}')
[docs] def tile_path(self, pos, extension='png'): """Get the path for a tile, creating its containing directories. Parameters ---------- pos : Pos The tile to get a path for. extension : str, default: "png" The file extension to use in the path. Returns ------- The path as a string. Notes ----- This function does I/O itself — it creates the parent directories containing the tile path. It is not an error for the parent directories to already exist. """ level = str(pos.n) ix = str(pos.x) iy = str(pos.y) return self._tile_path(level, ix, iy, extension)
def _tile_path_LsYsYX(self, level, ix, iy, extension): d = os.path.join(self._base_dir, level, iy) # We can't use the `exist_ok` kwarg because it's not available in Python 2. try: os.makedirs(d) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 17: raise # not EEXIST return os.path.join(d, '{}_{}.{}'.format(iy, ix, extension)) def _tile_path_LXY(self, level, ix, iy, extension): # We can't use the `exist_ok` kwarg because it's not available in Python 2. try: os.makedirs(self._base_dir) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 17: raise # not EEXIST return os.path.join( self._base_dir, 'L{}X{}Y{}.{}'.format(level, ix, iy, extension) )
[docs] def get_path_scheme(self): """Get the scheme for buiding tile paths as used in the WTML standard. Returns ------- The naming scheme, a string resembling ``{1}/{3}/{3}_{2}``. Notes ----- The naming scheme is currently hardcoded to be the format given above, but in the future other options might become available. """ return self._scheme
[docs] def read_toasty_image(self, pos, mode, default='none'): """ Read a toasty Image for the specified tile position. Parameters ---------- pos : :class:`Pos` The tile position to read. mode : :class:`toasty.image.ImageMode` The image data mode to read. This will affect the file extension probed and the mode of the returned image. default : str, defaults to "none" What to do if the specified tile file does not exist. If this is "none", ``None`` will be returned instead of an image. If this is "masked", an all-masked image will be returned, using :meth:`~toasty.image.ImageMode.make_maskable_buffer`. Otherwise, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. """ p = self.tile_path(pos, mode.get_default_save_extension()) loader = ImageLoader() loader.desired_mode = mode try: img = loader.load_path(p) except IOError as e: if e.errno != 2: raise # not EEXIST if default == 'none': return None elif default == 'masked': return mode.make_maskable_buffer(256, 256) else: raise ValueError('unexpected value for "default": {!r}'.format(default)) assert img.mode == mode return img
[docs] def write_toasty_image(self, pos, image): """Write a toasty Image for the specified tile position. Parameters ---------- pos : :class:`Pos` The tile position to write. image : :class:`toasty.image.Image` The image to write. """ p = self.tile_path(pos, image.mode.get_default_save_extension()) image.save_default(p)
[docs] def open_metadata_for_read(self, basename): """ Open a metadata file in read mode. Parameters ---------- basename : str The basename of the metadata file Returns ------- A readable and closeable file-like object returning bytes. """ return open(os.path.join(self._base_dir, basename), 'rb')
[docs] def open_metadata_for_write(self, basename): """ Open a metadata file in write mode. Parameters ---------- basename : str The basename of the metadata file Returns ------- A writable and closeable file-like object accepting bytes. """ # We can't use the `exist_ok` kwarg because it's not available in Python 2. try: os.makedirs(self._base_dir) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 17: raise # not EEXIST return open(os.path.join(self._base_dir, basename), 'wb')