Source code for toasty.samplers

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013-2020 Chris Beaumont and the AAS WorldWide Telescope project
# Licensed under the MIT License.

“Sampler” functions that fetch image data as a function of sky coordinates.

The Sampler Protocol

A sampler is a callable object that obeys the following signature: ``func(lon,
lat) -> data``, where *lon* and *lat* are 2D numpy arrays of spherical
coordinates measured in radians, and the returned *data* array is a numpy
array of at least two dimensions whose first two axes have the same shape as
*lon* and *lat*. The *data* array gives the map values sampled at the
corresponding coordinates. Its additional dimensions can be used to encode
color information: one standard is for *data* to have a dtype of
``np.uint8`` and a shape of ``(ny, nx, 3)``, where the final axis samples
RGB colors.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

__all__ = '''

import numpy as np

[docs]def healpix_sampler(data, nest=False, coord='C', interpolation='nearest'): """Create a sampler for HEALPix image data. Parameters ---------- data : array The HEALPix data nest : bool (default: False) Whether the data is ordered in the nested HEALPix style coord : 'C' | 'G' Whether the image is in Celestial (C) or Galactic (G) coordinates interpolation : 'nearest' | 'bilinear' What interpolation scheme to use. WARNING: bilinear uses healpy's get_interp_val, which seems prone to segfaults Returns ------- A function that samples the HEALPix data; the call signature is ``vec2pix(lon, lat) -> data``, where the inputs and output are 2D arrays and *lon* and *lat* are in radians. """ from healpy import ang2pix, get_interp_val, npix2nside from astropy.coordinates import Galactic, ICRS import astropy.units as u interp_opts = ['nearest', 'bilinear'] if interpolation not in interp_opts: raise ValueError("Invalid interpolation %s. Must be one of %s" % (interpolation, interp_opts)) if coord.upper() not in 'CG': raise ValueError("Invalid coord %s. Must be 'C' or 'G'" % coord) galactic = coord.upper() == 'G' interp = interpolation == 'bilinear' nside = npix2nside(data.size) def vec2pix(l, b): if galactic: f = ICRS(l * u.rad, b * u.rad) g = f.transform_to(Galactic) l, b = g.l.rad, g.b.rad theta = np.pi / 2 - b phi = l if interp: return get_interp_val(data, theta, phi, nest=nest) return data[ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=nest)] return vec2pix
def _find_healpix_extension_index(pth): """Find the first HEALPIX extension in a FITS file and return the extension number. Raises IndexError if none is found. """ for i, hdu in enumerate(pth): if hdu.header.get('PIXTYPE') == 'HEALPIX': return i else: raise IndexError("No HEALPIX extensions found in %s" % pth.filename())
[docs]def healpix_fits_file_sampler(path, extension=None, interpolation='nearest'): """Create a sampler for HEALPix data read from a FITS file. Parameters ---------- path : string The path to the FITS file. extension : integer or None (default: None) Which extension in the FITS file to read. If not specified, the first extension with PIXTYPE = "HEALPIX" will be used. interpolation : 'nearest' | 'bilinear' What interpolation scheme to use. WARNING: bilinear uses healpy's get_interp_val, which seems prone to segfaults Returns ------- A function that samples the HEALPix image; the call signature is ``vec2pix(lon, lat) -> data``, where the inputs and output are 2D arrays and *lon* and *lat* are in radians. """ from import fits with as f: if extension is None: extension = _find_healpix_extension_index(f) data, hdr = f[extension].data, f[extension].header # grab the first healpix parameter and convert to native endianness if # needed. data = data[data.dtype.names[0]] if data.dtype.byteorder not in '=|': data = data.byteswap().newbyteorder() nest = hdr.get('ORDERING') == 'NESTED' coord = hdr.get('COORDSYS', 'C') return healpix_sampler(data, nest, coord, interpolation)
[docs]def plate_carree_sampler(data): """Create a sampler function for all-sky data in a “plate carrée” projection. In this projection, the X and Y axes of the image correspond to the longitude and latitude spherical coordinates, respectively. Both axes map linearly, the X axis to the longitude range [2pi, 0] (i.e., longitude increases to the left), and the Y axis to the latitude range [pi/2, -pi/2]. Therefore the point with lat = lon = 0 corresponds to the image center and ``data[0,0]`` is the pixel touching lat = pi/2, lon=pi, one of a row adjacent to the North Pole. Typically the image is twice as wide as it is tall. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, at least 2D The map to sample in plate carrée projection. Returns ------- A function that samples the image; the call signature is ``vec2pix(lon, lat) -> data``, where the inputs and output are 2D arrays and *lon* and *lat* are in radians. """ data = np.asarray(data) ny, nx = data.shape[:2] dx = nx / (2 * np.pi) # pixels per radian in the X direction dy = ny / np.pi # ditto, for the Y direction lon0 = np.pi - 0.5 / dx # longitudes of the centers of the pixels with ix = 0 lat0 = 0.5 * np.pi - 0.5 / dy # latitudes of the centers of the pixels with iy = 0 def vec2pix(lon, lat): lon = (lon + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi # ensure in range [-pi, pi] ix = (lon0 - lon) * dx ix = np.round(ix).astype( ix = np.clip(ix, 0, nx - 1) iy = (lat0 - lat) * dy # *assume* in range [-pi/2, pi/2] iy = np.round(iy).astype( iy = np.clip(iy, 0, ny - 1) return data[iy, ix] return vec2pix
[docs]def plate_carree_galactic_sampler(data): """ Create a sampler function for all-sky data in a “plate carrée” projection using Galactic coordinates. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, at least 2D The map to sample in plate carrée projection. Returns ------- A function that samples the image. The call signature is ``sampler(lon, lat) -> data``, where the inputs and output are 2D arrays and *lon* and *lat* are in radians. """ from astropy.coordinates import Galactic, ICRS import astropy.units as u data = np.asarray(data) ny, nx = data.shape[:2] dx = nx / (2 * np.pi) # pixels per radian in the X direction dy = ny / np.pi # ditto, for the Y direction lon0 = np.pi - 0.5 / dx # longitudes of the centers of the pixels with ix = 0 lat0 = 0.5 * np.pi - 0.5 / dy # latitudes of the centers of the pixels with iy = 0 def vec2pix(lon, lat): gal = ICRS(lon * u.rad, lat * u.rad).transform_to(Galactic) lon, lat = gal.l.rad, gal.b.rad lon = (lon + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi # ensure in range [-pi, pi] ix = (lon0 - lon) * dx ix = np.round(ix).astype( ix = np.clip(ix, 0, nx - 1) iy = (lat0 - lat) * dy # *assume* in range [-pi/2, pi/2] iy = np.round(iy).astype( iy = np.clip(iy, 0, ny - 1) return data[iy, ix] return vec2pix
[docs]def plate_carree_planet_sampler(data): """ Create a sampler function for planetary data in a “plate carrée” projection. This is the same as :func:`plate_carree_sampler`, except that the X axis is mirrored: longitude increases to the right. This is generally what is desired for planetary surface maps (looking at a sphere from the outside) instead of sky maps (looking at a sphere from the inside). Parameters ---------- data : array-like, at least 2D The map to sample in plate carrée projection. Returns ------- A function that samples the image; the call signature is ``vec2pix(lon, lat) -> data``, where the inputs and output are 2D arrays and *lon* and *lat* are in radians. """ data = np.asarray(data) ny, nx = data.shape[:2] dx = nx / (2 * np.pi) # pixels per radian in the X direction dy = ny / np.pi # ditto, for the Y direction lon0 = -np.pi + 0.5 / dx # longitudes of the centers of the pixels with ix = 0 lat0 = 0.5 * np.pi - 0.5 / dy # latitudes of the centers of the pixels with iy = 0 def vec2pix(lon, lat): lon = (lon + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi # ensure in range [-pi, pi] ix = (lon - lon0) * dx ix = np.round(ix).astype( ix = np.clip(ix, 0, nx - 1) iy = (lat0 - lat) * dy # *assume* in range [-pi/2, pi/2] iy = np.round(iy).astype( iy = np.clip(iy, 0, ny - 1) return data[iy, ix] return vec2pix