.. _cli-tile-allsky: ====================== ``toasty tile-allsky`` ====================== The ``tile-allsky`` command takes a single image representing a full sphere and samples it into a TOAST tiling. Usage ===== .. code-block:: shell toasty tile-allsky [standard image-loading options] [--placeholder-thumbnail] [--outdir DIR] [--projection TYPE] {IMAGE-PATH} {TOAST-DEPTH} See the :ref:`cli-std-image-options` section for documentation on those options. The ``IMAGE-PATH`` argument gives the filename of the input image. Its projection onto the sphere should be specified with the ``--projection`` option. The ``TOAST-DEPTH`` argument specifies the resolution level of the TOAST pixelization that will be generated. A depth of 0 means that the image will be sampled onto a single 256×256 tile, each pixel in the tile having an angular size of about 0.6 deg². A depth of 1 means that the image will be sampled onto four tiles, for a total resolution of 512×512 and an average pixel area of 0.16 deg². A depth of 8 means that there will be 65,536 tiles and 4.3 billion pixels, with an average pixel area of about (11 arcsec)². The appropriate choice of the depth depends on your application. The ``--outdir DIR`` option specifies where the output data should be written. If unspecified, the data root will be the current directory. The ``--projection TYPE`` option specifies how the surface of the sphere is mapped on to the image. Allowed types are: - ``plate-carree`` (the default) — the image uses a “plate carrée”, AKA `equirectangular`_ or geographic, projection. The image will typically be about twice as wide as it is tall. Interpreted as a sky image, the north celestial pole is at the top of the image, RA = Dec = 0 is at the image center, and RA increases to the left. - ``plate-carree-galactic`` — like the above, but the image is in Galactic coordinates rather than (celestial) equatorial. This is often the case for all-sky astronomical press release images. - ``plate-carree-planet`` — like the above, but the image is that of a planet and so the sense of the longitude/RA axis is inverted. Longitude increases to the right. This is the format in which planetary maps are typically represented. If you use this option when you should have used ``plate-carree``, or vice versa, your map come out flipped horizontally. .. _equirectangular: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equirectangular_projection If the ``--placeholder-thumbnail`` argument is given, an all-black placeholder thumbnail will be created. Otherwise, the thumbnail will be created by downsampling the input image. This operation can actually be the most memory-intensive part of the process, and can yield poor results with mostly-empty images. You can avoid this by using this argument and then invoking :ref:`cli-make-thumbnail` with a better-suited input image. Details ======= This command will create the highest-resolution tile layer, corresponding to the ``DEPTH`` argument, and emit an ``index_rel.wtml`` file containing projection information and template metadata.