Source code for toasty.builder

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 the AAS WorldWide Telescope project
# Licensed under the MIT License.

Building up WWT imagery data sets.

This gets a little complex since the generation of a tiled image involves
several tasks that may or may not be implemented in several, swappable ways:
generating the tiled pixel data; positioning the image on the sky; filling in
metadata; and so on. We try to provide a framework that allows the
implementations of different tasks to be swapped out without getting too airy
and abstract.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

__all__ = """

from wwt_data_formats.enums import DataSetType, ProjectionType
from wwt_data_formats.imageset import ImageSet
from wwt_data_formats.layers import ImageSetLayer, LayerContainerReader
from import Place

from .image import ImageLoader

[docs] class Builder(object): """ State for some kind of imagery data set that's being assembled. """ pio = None "A PyramidIO object representing the backing storage of the tiles and other image data." imgset = None """ The WWT ImageSet data describing the image data and their positioning on the sky. Data URLs in this ImageSet should be populated as relative URLs. """ place = None "The WWT Place data describing a default view of the image data." def __init__(self, pio): self.pio = pio self.imgset = ImageSet() = "Toasty" self.imgset.file_type = "." + pio.get_default_format() self.imgset.url = pio.get_path_scheme() + self.imgset.file_type = Place() = self.imgset = "Toasty" def _check_no_wcs_yet(self): """ The astrometric fields of ImageSet change their meaning depending on whether the image in question is tiled or not. Therefore, you'll get bogus results if change the tiling status *after* setting the astrometric information. This method should be called by other methods that control tiling in order to catch the issue if the user does things backwards. """ if self.imgset.center_x != 0 or self.imgset.center_y != 0: raise Exception( "order-of-operations error: you must apply WCS after applying tiling settings" )
[docs] def prepare_study_tiling(self, image): """ Set up to tile the specified image as a WWT "study". Parameters ---------- image : `toasty.image.Image` The image that will be tiled Returns ------- tiling : `` The prepared tiling information Notes ----- After calling this method, you should set up the WCS for the tiled imagery, using :meth:`default_tiled_study_astrometry` as a backstop if no real information is available. Then use :meth:`execute_study_tiling` to actually perform the tiling process. """ from .study import StudyTiling tiling = StudyTiling(image.width, image.height) tiling.apply_to_imageset(self.imgset) return tiling
[docs] def execute_study_tiling(self, image, tiling, **kwargs): """ Tile the specified image as a WWT "study". Parameters ---------- image : `toasty.image.Image` The image that will be tiled tiling : `` The prepared tiling information **kwargs Arguments relayed to :meth:``, such as ``cli_progress``. Returns ------- *self* """ tiling.tile_image(image, self.pio, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def tile_base_as_study(self, image, **kwargs): """ Tile an image assuming that it is in the appropriate format for WWT's "study" framework, namely that it uses a tangential (gnomonic) projection on the sky. Use of this method is somewhat discouraged since it both analyzes and performs the tiling all at once, which means that you can only correctly set (and validate) the WCS information *after* doing all the work of tiling. (Which in turn is because the proper way to apply WCS information to an imageset depends on the tiling parameters.) It is generally better to use :meth:`prepare_study_tiling` and :meth:`execute_study_tiling`, applying the WCS metadata in between, so that WCS errors can be caught and reported before doing the I/O. """ from .study import tile_study_image self._check_no_wcs_yet() tiling = tile_study_image(image, self.pio, **kwargs) tiling.apply_to_imageset(self.imgset) return self
[docs] def default_tiled_study_astrometry(self): self._check_no_wcs_yet() self.imgset.data_set_type = DataSetType.SKY self.imgset.base_degrees_per_tile = 1.0 self.imgset.projection = ProjectionType.TAN = 1.0 return self
[docs] def load_from_wwtl(self, cli_settings, wwtl_path, cli_progress=False): from contextlib import closing from io import BytesIO # Load WWTL and see if it matches expectations with closing(LayerContainerReader.from_file(wwtl_path)) as lc: if len(lc.layers) != 1: raise Exception("WWTL file must contain exactly one layer") layer = lc.layers[0] if not isinstance(layer, ImageSetLayer): raise Exception("WWTL file must contain an imageset layer") imgset = layer.image_set if imgset.projection != ProjectionType.SKY_IMAGE: raise Exception( 'WWTL imageset layer must have "SkyImage" projection type' ) # Looks OK. Read and parse the image. loader = ImageLoader.create_from_args(cli_settings) img_data = lc.read_layer_file(layer, layer.extension) img = loader.load_stream(BytesIO(img_data)) # (Re-)initialize with the imageset info extracted from the WWTL. self.imgset = imgset = self.imgset self.imgset.file_type = "." + self.pio.get_default_format() self.imgset.url = self.pio.get_path_scheme() + self.imgset.file_type = # Transmogrify untiled image info to tiled image info. We reuse the # existing imageset as much as possible, but update the parameters that # change in the tiling process. wcs_keywords = self.imgset.wcs_headers_from_position(height=img.height) self.imgset.center_x = ( self.imgset.center_y ) = 0 # hack to satisfy _check_no_wcs_yet() self.tile_base_as_study(img, cli_progress=cli_progress) self.imgset.set_position_from_wcs( wcs_keywords, img.width, img.height, ) return img
[docs] def toast_base(self, sampler, depth, is_planet=False, is_pano=False, **kwargs): from .toast import sample_layer, sample_layer_filtered, ToastCoordinateSystem self._check_no_wcs_yet() coordsys = ( ToastCoordinateSystem.PLANETARY if is_planet else ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL ) coordsys = kwargs.pop("coordsys", coordsys) if "tile_filter" in kwargs: sample_layer_filtered( pio=self.pio, sampler=sampler, depth=depth, coordsys=coordsys, **kwargs ) else: sample_layer(self.pio, sampler, depth, coordsys=coordsys, **kwargs) if is_planet: self.imgset.data_set_type = DataSetType.PLANET elif is_pano: self.imgset.data_set_type = DataSetType.PANORAMA else: self.imgset.data_set_type = DataSetType.SKY self.imgset.base_degrees_per_tile = 180 self.imgset.projection = ProjectionType.TOAST self.imgset.tile_levels = depth = 360 return self
[docs] def cascade(self, **kwargs): from .merge import averaging_merger, cascade_images cascade_images(self.pio, self.imgset.tile_levels, averaging_merger, **kwargs) if "fits" in self.imgset.file_type: from .pyramid import Pos from import fits import numpy as np with self.pio.tile_path( pos=Pos(n=0, x=0, y=0), format="fits", makedirs=False ) ) as top_tile: self.imgset.data_min = top_tile[0].header["DATAMIN"] self.imgset.data_max = top_tile[0].header["DATAMAX"] ( self.imgset.pixel_cut_low, self.imgset.pixel_cut_high, ) = np.nanpercentile(top_tile[0].data, [0.5, 99.5]) return self
[docs] def make_thumbnail_from_other(self, thumbnail_image): thumb = thumbnail_image.make_thumbnail_bitmap() with self.pio.open_metadata_for_write("thumb.jpg") as f:, format="JPEG") self.imgset.thumbnail_url = "thumb.jpg" return self
[docs] def make_placeholder_thumbnail(self): import numpy as np from .image import Image arr = np.zeros((45, 96, 3), dtype=np.uint8) img = Image.from_array(arr) with self.pio.open_metadata_for_write("thumb.jpg") as f: img.aspil().save(f, format="JPEG") self.imgset.thumbnail_url = "thumb.jpg" return self
[docs] def apply_wcs_info(self, wcs, width, height): self.imgset.set_position_from_wcs( headers=wcs.to_header(), width=width, height=height,, ) return self
[docs] def apply_avm_info(self, avm, width, height): # So. The AVM standard discusses how parity should be expressed and how # it should be translated into WCS data, but in practice things are a # bit wonky: the AVM data that we've seen in the wild basically express # FITS-like (positive parity) WCS, while the actual associated image # data have a JPEG-like (negative parity) data layout. WCS can express # either parity so it would arguably be more correct for the generated # WCS to have negative parity. Based on the current state of knowledge, # I think the best option for now is to always flip the parity of the # WCS that pyavm hands us. We might need to change the heuristic or # allow the user to change the behavior. wcs = avm.to_wcs(target_shape=(width, height)) from .image import _flip_wcs_parity wcs = _flip_wcs_parity(wcs, height) self.apply_wcs_info(wcs, width, height) if avm.Title: = avm.Title if avm.Description: self.imgset.description = avm.Description if avm.Credit: self.imgset.credits = avm.Credit if avm.ReferenceURL: self.imgset.credits_url = avm.ReferenceURL return self
[docs] def set_name(self, name): = name = name return self
[docs] def create_wtml_folder(self, add_place_for_toast=False): """ Create a one-item :class:`wwt_data_formats.folder.Folder` object capturing this image. Parameters ---------- add_place_for_toast : optional boolean, defaults to False All-sky/all-planet datasets usually don't want to be associated with a particular Place. Otherwise, loading up the imageset causes the view to zoom to a particular RA/Dec or lat/lon, likely 0,0. """ from wwt_data_formats.folder import Folder = = self.imgset.data_set_type = self.imgset.thumbnail_url folder = Folder() = if self.imgset.projection == ProjectionType.TOAST and not add_place_for_toast: folder.children = [self.imgset] else: folder.children = [] return folder
[docs] def write_index_rel_wtml(self, add_place_for_toast=False): from wwt_data_formats import write_xml_doc folder = self.create_wtml_folder(add_place_for_toast=add_place_for_toast) with self.pio.open_metadata_for_write("index_rel.wtml") as f: write_xml_doc(folder.to_xml(), dest_stream=f, dest_wants_bytes=True) return self