Source code for toasty.cli

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019-2021 the AAS WorldWide Telescope project.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

"""Entrypoint for the "toasty" command-line interface.


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

__all__ = """

import argparse
import os.path
import sys
import warnings

from wwt_data_formats.cli import EnsureGlobsExpandedAction

# General CLI utilities

[docs] def die(msg): print("error:", msg, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)
[docs] def warn(msg): print("warning:", msg, file=sys.stderr)
# "cascade" subcommand def cascade_getparser(parser): parser.add_argument( "--parallelism", "-j", metavar="COUNT", type=int, help="The parallelization level (default: use all CPUs; specify `1` to force serial processing)", ) parser.add_argument( "--format", "-f", metavar="FORMAT", default=None, choices=["png", "jpg", "npy", "fits"], help="The format of data files to cascade. If not specified, this will be guessed.", ) parser.add_argument( "--start", metavar="DEPTH", type=int, help="The depth of the TOAST layer to start the cascade", ) parser.add_argument( "pyramid_dir", metavar="DIR", help="The directory containing the tile pyramid to cascade", ) def cascade_impl(settings): from .merge import averaging_merger, cascade_images from .pyramid import PyramidIO pio = PyramidIO(settings.pyramid_dir, default_format=settings.format) start = settings.start if start is None: die("currently, you must specify the start layer with the --start option") cascade_images( pio, start, averaging_merger, parallel=settings.parallelism, cli_progress=True ) # "check-avm" subcommand def check_avm_getparser(parser): parser.add_argument( "--print", "-p", dest="print_avm", action="store_true", help="Print the AVM data if present", ) parser.add_argument( "--exitcode", action="store_true", help="Exit with code 1 if no AVM tags are present", ) parser.add_argument( "image", metavar="PATH", help="An image to check for AVM tags", ) def check_avm_impl(settings): from .image import ImageLoader try: from pyavm import AVM, exceptions SYNTAX_EXCEPTIONS = ( exceptions.AVMListLengthError, exceptions.AVMItemNotInControlledVocabularyError, exceptions.AVMEmptyValueError, ) except ImportError: die("cannot check AVM tags: you must install the `pyavm` package") try: # PyAVM can issue a lot of warnings that aren't helpful to the user. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") avm = AVM.from_image(settings.image) except exceptions.NoXMPPacketFound: print(f"{settings.image}: no AVM tags") sys.exit(1 if settings.exitcode else 0) except SYNTAX_EXCEPTIONS as e: print( f"{settings.image}: AVM data are present but malformed: {e} ({e.__class__.__name__})" ) sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: die( f"error probing AVM tags of `{settings.image}`: {e} ({e.__class__.__name__})" ) status_exitcode = 0 if settings.print_avm: print_remark = "" else: print_remark = " (use `--print` to display them)" print(f"{settings.image}: AVM tags are present{print_remark}") if repr(avm.Spatial) == "": print(f"{settings.image}: however, no spatial information") status_exitcode = 1 elif avm.Spatial.ReferenceDimension is None: print( f"{settings.image}: including spatial information, but no reference dimension" ) else: img = ImageLoader().load_path(settings.image) this_shape = (int(img.width), int(img.height)) ref_shape = ( int(avm.Spatial.ReferenceDimension[0]), int(avm.Spatial.ReferenceDimension[1]), ) if this_shape == ref_shape: print( f"{settings.image}: including spatial information for this image's dimensions" ) else: print( f"{settings.image}: including spatial information at a different scale" ) print( f"{settings.image}: AVM is for {ref_shape[0]} x {ref_shape[1]}, image is {this_shape[0]} x {this_shape[1]}" ) this_aspect = this_shape[0] / this_shape[1] ref_aspect = ref_shape[0] / ref_shape[1] # The threshold here approximates the one used by pyavm if abs(this_aspect - ref_aspect) / (this_aspect + ref_aspect) >= 0.005: print( f"{settings.image}: WARNING: these aspect ratios are not compatible" ) status_exitcode = 1 if settings.print_avm: print() print(avm) sys.exit(status_exitcode if settings.exitcode else 0) # "make_thumbnail" subcommand def make_thumbnail_getparser(parser): from .image import ImageLoader ImageLoader.add_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( "imgpath", metavar="IN-PATH", help="The image file to be thumbnailed", ) parser.add_argument( "outpath", metavar="OUT-PATH", help="The location of the new thumbnail file", ) def make_thumbnail_impl(settings): from .image import ImageLoader olp = settings.outpath.lower() if not (olp.endswith(".jpg") or olp.endswith(".jpeg")): warn( 'saving output in JPEG format even though filename is "{}"'.format( settings.outpath ) ) img = ImageLoader.create_from_args(settings).load_path(settings.imgpath) thumb = img.make_thumbnail_bitmap() with open(settings.outpath, "wb") as f:, format="JPEG") # "show" subcommand def show_getparser(parser): subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="show_command") _parser = subparsers.add_parser("concept-doi") _parser = subparsers.add_parser("version") _parser = subparsers.add_parser("version-doi") def show_impl(settings): if settings.show_command is None: print('Run the "show" command with `--help` for help on its subcommands') return if settings.show_command == "concept-doi": # This string constant will be rewritten by Cranko during releases: doi = "xx.xxxx/dev-build.toasty.concept" if not doi.startswith("10."): warn("this DOI is a fake value used for development builds") print(doi) elif settings.show_command == "version": # This string constant will be rewritten by Cranko during releases: version = "0.dev0" # cranko project-version print(version) elif settings.show_command == "version-doi": # This string constant will be rewritten by Cranko during releases: doi = "xx.xxxx/dev-build.toasty.version" if not doi.startswith("10."): warn("this DOI is a fake value used for development builds") print(doi) else: die('unrecognized "show" subcommand ' + settings.show_command) # "tile_allsky" subcommand def tile_allsky_getparser(parser): from .image import ImageLoader ImageLoader.add_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( "--name", metavar="NAME", default="Toasty", help="The image name to embed in the output WTML file (default: %(default)s)", ) parser.add_argument( "--outdir", metavar="PATH", default=".", help="The root directory of the output tile pyramid (default: %(default)s)", ) parser.add_argument( "--placeholder-thumbnail", action="store_true", help="Do not attempt to thumbnail the input image -- saves memory for large inputs", ) parser.add_argument( "--projection", metavar="PROJTYPE", default="plate-carree", help="The projection type of the input image (default: %(default)s; choices: %(choices)s)", choices=[ "plate-carree", "plate-carree-galactic", "plate-carree-ecliptic", "plate-carree-planet", "plate-carree-planet-zeroleft", "plate-carree-planet-zeroright", "plate-carree-panorama", ], ) parser.add_argument( "--parallelism", "-j", metavar="COUNT", type=int, help="The parallelization level (default: use all CPUs if OS supports; specify `1` to force serial processing)", ) parser.add_argument( "imgpath", metavar="PATH", help="The image file to be tiled", ) parser.add_argument( "depth", metavar="DEPTH", type=int, help="The depth of the TOAST layer to sample", ) def tile_allsky_impl(settings): from .builder import Builder from .image import ImageLoader from .pyramid import PyramidIO img = ImageLoader.create_from_args(settings).load_path(settings.imgpath) pio = PyramidIO(settings.outdir) is_planet = False is_pano = False if settings.projection == "plate-carree": from .samplers import plate_carree_sampler sampler = plate_carree_sampler(img.asarray()) elif settings.projection == "plate-carree-galactic": from .samplers import plate_carree_galactic_sampler sampler = plate_carree_galactic_sampler(img.asarray()) elif settings.projection == "plate-carree-ecliptic": from .samplers import plate_carree_ecliptic_sampler sampler = plate_carree_ecliptic_sampler(img.asarray()) elif settings.projection == "plate-carree-planet": from .samplers import plate_carree_planet_sampler sampler = plate_carree_planet_sampler(img.asarray()) is_planet = True elif settings.projection == "plate-carree-planet-zeroleft": from .samplers import plate_carree_planet_zeroleft_sampler sampler = plate_carree_planet_zeroleft_sampler(img.asarray()) is_planet = True elif settings.projection == "plate-carree-planet-zeroright": from .samplers import plate_carree_zeroright_sampler sampler = plate_carree_zeroright_sampler(img.asarray()) is_planet = True elif settings.projection == "plate-carree-panorama": from .samplers import plate_carree_sampler sampler = plate_carree_sampler(img.asarray()) is_pano = True else: die( "the image projection type {!r} is not recognized".format( settings.projection ) ) builder = Builder(pio) # Do the thumbnail first since for large inputs it can be the memory high-water mark! if settings.placeholder_thumbnail: builder.make_placeholder_thumbnail() else: builder.make_thumbnail_from_other(img) builder.toast_base( sampler, settings.depth, is_planet=is_planet, is_pano=is_pano, parallel=settings.parallelism, cli_progress=True, ) builder.set_name( builder.write_index_rel_wtml() print( f'Successfully tiled input "{settings.imgpath}" at level {builder.imgset.tile_levels}.' ) print("To create parent tiles, consider running:") print() print(f" toasty cascade --start {builder.imgset.tile_levels} {settings.outdir}") # "tile_healpix" subcommand def tile_healpix_getparser(parser): parser.add_argument( "--galactic", action="store_true", help="Force use of Galactic coordinate system, regardless of headers", ) parser.add_argument( "--outdir", metavar="PATH", default=".", help="The root directory of the output tile pyramid", ) parser.add_argument( "--parallelism", "-j", metavar="COUNT", type=int, help="The parallelization level (default: use all CPUs if OS supports; specify `1` to force serial processing)", ) parser.add_argument( "fitspath", metavar="PATH", help="The HEALPix FITS file to be tiled", ) parser.add_argument( "depth", metavar="DEPTH", type=int, help="The depth of the TOAST layer to sample", ) def tile_healpix_impl(settings): from .builder import Builder from .pyramid import PyramidIO from .samplers import healpix_fits_file_sampler pio = PyramidIO(settings.outdir, default_format="fits") sampler = healpix_fits_file_sampler( settings.fitspath, force_galactic=settings.galactic ) builder = Builder(pio) builder.toast_base( sampler, settings.depth, parallel=settings.parallelism, cli_progress=True, ) builder.write_index_rel_wtml() print( f'Successfully tiled input "{settings.fitspath}" at level {builder.imgset.tile_levels}.' ) print("To create parent tiles, consider running:") print() print(f" toasty cascade --start {builder.imgset.tile_levels} {settings.outdir}") # "tile_multi_tan" subcommand def tile_multi_tan_getparser(parser): parser.add_argument( "--parallelism", "-j", metavar="COUNT", type=int, help="The parallelization level (default: use all CPUs; specify `1` to force serial processing)", ) parser.add_argument( "--hdu-index", metavar="INDEX", type=int, default=0, help="Which HDU to load in each input FITS file", ) parser.add_argument( "--outdir", metavar="PATH", default=".", help="The root directory of the output tile pyramid", ) parser.add_argument( "paths", metavar="PATHS", action=EnsureGlobsExpandedAction, nargs="+", help="The FITS files with image data", ) def tile_multi_tan_impl(settings): from .builder import Builder from .collection import SimpleFitsCollection from .multi_tan import MultiTanProcessor from .pyramid import PyramidIO pio = PyramidIO(settings.outdir, default_format="fits") builder = Builder(pio) collection = SimpleFitsCollection(settings.paths, hdu_index=settings.hdu_index) mtp = MultiTanProcessor(collection) mtp.compute_global_pixelization(builder) mtp.tile( pio, parallel=settings.parallelism, cli_progress=True, ) builder.write_index_rel_wtml() print(f"Successfully tiled inputs at level {builder.imgset.tile_levels}.") print("To create parent tiles, consider running:") print() print(f" toasty cascade --start {builder.imgset.tile_levels} {settings.outdir}") # "tile_study" subcommand def tile_study_getparser(parser): from .image import ImageLoader ImageLoader.add_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( "--name", metavar="NAME", default="Toasty", help="The image name to embed in the output WTML file (default: %(default)s)", ) parser.add_argument( "--avm", action="store_true", help="Expect the input image to have AVM positioning tags", ) parser.add_argument( "--avm-from", metavar="PATH", help="Set positioning based on AVM tags in a different image", ) parser.add_argument( "--fits-wcs", metavar="PATH", help="Get WCS information from this FITS file", ) parser.add_argument( "--placeholder-thumbnail", action="store_true", help="Do not attempt to thumbnail the input image -- saves memory for large inputs", ) parser.add_argument( "--outdir", metavar="PATH", default=".", help="The root directory of the output tile pyramid", ) parser.add_argument( "imgpath", metavar="PATH", help="The study image file to be tiled", ) def tile_study_impl(settings): from .builder import Builder from .image import ImageLoader from .pyramid import PyramidIO img = ImageLoader.create_from_args(settings).load_path(settings.imgpath) pio = PyramidIO(settings.outdir, default_format=img.default_format) builder = Builder(pio) # First, prepare the tiling, because we can't correctly apply WCS until we # know the details of the tiling parameters tiling = builder.prepare_study_tiling(img) # Now deal with the WCS if settings.avm or settings.avm_from: # We don't *always* check for AVM because pyavm prints out a lot of junk # and may not be installed. try: from pyavm import AVM except ImportError: die("cannot use AVM data: you must install the `pyavm` package") try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if settings.avm_from: if settings.avm: print( "warning: `--avm` option superseded by `--avm-from`", file=sys.stderr, ) avm_input = settings.avm_from else: avm_input = settings.imgpath avm = AVM.from_image(avm_input) except Exception: print( f"error: failed to read AVM tags of input `{avm_input}`", file=sys.stderr, ) raise builder.apply_avm_info(avm, img.width, img.height) elif settings.fits_wcs: try: from import fits from astropy.wcs import WCS except ImportError: die("cannot use FITS WCS: you must install the `astropy` package") try: with as hdul: # TODO: more flexibility in HDU choice: hdu = hdul[0] wcs = WCS(hdu, fobj=hdul) except Exception as e: die(f"cannot read WCS from FITS file `{settings.fits_wcs}`: {e}") wcs_width = hdu.header.get("IMAGEW") # wcs_height = hdu.header.get("IMAGEH") if wcs_width is None and len(hdu.shape) > 1: wcs_width = hdu.shape[-1] wcs_height = hdu.shape[-2] if wcs_width is None: warn( f"cannot infer image dimensions from WCS FITS file `{settings.fits_wcs}`; " f"unable to check consistency with input image" ) elif img.shape[:2] != (wcs_height, wcs_width): warn( f"image `{settings.imgpath}` has shape {img.shape}, but " f"WCS reference file `{settings.fits_wcs}` has shape ({wcs_height}, {wcs_width})" ) # Cribbing some code from pyavm ... scale_x = img.shape[1] / wcs_width scale_y = img.shape[0] / wcs_height if abs(scale_x - scale_y) / (scale_x + scale_y) >= 0.005: warn( "the aspect ratios are not compatible; I'll proceed, but astrometry is unlikely transfer correctly" ) scale = 1.0 else: warn("the aspect ratios are compatible, so I'll try rescaling") scale = scale_x wcs.wcs.crpix *= scale if hasattr(wcs.wcs, "cd"): /= scale else: wcs.wcs.cdelt /= scale if hasattr(wcs, "naxis1"): wcs.naxis1 = img.shape[1] wcs.naxis2 = img.shape[0] img._wcs = wcs # <= hack alert, but I think this is OK img.ensure_negative_parity() builder.apply_wcs_info(img.wcs, img.width, img.height) elif img.wcs is not None: # Study images must have negative parity. img.ensure_negative_parity() builder.apply_wcs_info(img.wcs, img.width, img.height) else: builder.default_tiled_study_astrometry() # Do the thumbnail before the main image since for large inputs it can be # the memory high-water mark! if settings.placeholder_thumbnail: builder.make_placeholder_thumbnail() else: builder.make_thumbnail_from_other(img) # Finally, actually tile the image builder.execute_study_tiling(img, tiling, cli_progress=True) # Final metadata builder.set_name( builder.write_index_rel_wtml() print( f'Successfully tiled input "{settings.imgpath}" at level {builder.imgset.tile_levels}.' ) print("To create parent tiles, consider running:") print() print(f" toasty cascade --start {builder.imgset.tile_levels} {settings.outdir}") # "tile_wwtl" subcommand def tile_wwtl_getparser(parser): from .image import ImageLoader ImageLoader.add_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( "--name", metavar="NAME", default="Toasty", help="The image name to embed in the output WTML file (default: %(default)s)", ) parser.add_argument( "--placeholder-thumbnail", action="store_true", help="Do not attempt to thumbnail the input image -- saves memory for large inputs", ) parser.add_argument( "--outdir", metavar="PATH", default=".", help="The root directory of the output tile pyramid", ) parser.add_argument( "wwtl_path", metavar="WWTL-PATH", help="The WWTL layer file to be processed", ) def tile_wwtl_impl(settings): from .builder import Builder from .pyramid import PyramidIO pio = PyramidIO(settings.outdir) builder = Builder(pio) img = builder.load_from_wwtl(settings, settings.wwtl_path, cli_progress=True) # Do the thumbnail first since for large inputs it can be the memory high-water mark! if settings.placeholder_thumbnail: builder.make_placeholder_thumbnail() else: builder.make_thumbnail_from_other(img) builder.set_name( builder.write_index_rel_wtml() print( f'Successfully tiled input "{settings.wwtl_path}" at level {builder.imgset.tile_levels}.' ) print("To create parent tiles, consider running:") print() print(f" toasty cascade --start {builder.imgset.tile_levels} {settings.outdir}") # "transform" subcommand def transform_getparser(parser): subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="transform_command") parser = subparsers.add_parser("fx3-to-rgb") parser.add_argument( "--parallelism", "-j", metavar="COUNT", type=int, help="The parallelization level (default: use all CPUs; specify `1` to force serial processing)", ) parser.add_argument( "--start", metavar="DEPTH", type=int, help="How deep in the tile pyramid to proceed wth the transformation", ) parser.add_argument( "--clip", "-c", metavar="NUMBER", type=float, default=1.0, help="The level at which to start flipping the floating-point data", ) parser.add_argument( "--outdir", metavar="PATH", help="Output transformed data into this directory, instead of operating in-place", ) parser.add_argument( "pyramid_dir", metavar="DIR", help="The directory containing the tile pyramid to transform", ) parser = subparsers.add_parser("u8-to-rgb") parser.add_argument( "--parallelism", "-j", metavar="COUNT", type=int, help="The parallelization level (default: use all CPUs; specify `1` to force serial processing)", ) parser.add_argument( "--start", metavar="DEPTH", type=int, help="How deep in the tile pyramid to proceed wth the transformation", ) parser.add_argument( "--outdir", metavar="PATH", help="Output transformed data into this directory, instead of operating in-place", ) parser.add_argument( "pyramid_dir", metavar="DIR", help="The directory containing the tile pyramid to transform", ) def transform_impl(settings): from .pyramid import PyramidIO if settings.transform_command is None: print('Run the "transform" command with `--help` for help on its subcommands') return if settings.transform_command == "fx3-to-rgb": pio = PyramidIO(settings.pyramid_dir) pio_out = None if settings.outdir is not None: pio_out = PyramidIO(settings.outdir) from .transform import f16x3_to_rgb f16x3_to_rgb( pio, settings.start, clip=settings.clip, pio_out=pio_out, parallel=settings.parallelism, cli_progress=True, ) elif settings.transform_command == "u8-to-rgb": pio = PyramidIO(settings.pyramid_dir) pio_out = None if settings.outdir is not None: pio_out = PyramidIO(settings.outdir) from .transform import u8_to_rgb u8_to_rgb( pio, settings.start, pio_out=pio_out, parallel=settings.parallelism, cli_progress=True, ) else: die('unrecognized "transform" subcommand ' + settings.transform_command) # "view" subcommand # # This largely duplicates `wwtdatatool preview` in the `wwt_data_formats` # package. The difference is that we automagically tile and output the # `index_rel.wtml`, while `wwtdatatool` requires it to be preexisting. def view_getparser(parser): from .collection import CollectionLoader CollectionLoader.add_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( "--parallelism", "-j", metavar="COUNT", type=int, help="The parallelization level (default: use all CPUs; specify `1` to force serial processing)", ) parser.add_argument( "--tunnel", "-t", metavar="HOST", help="Use SSH tunneling to view an image stored on a remote host", ) parser.add_argument( "--browser", "-b", metavar="BROWSER-TYPE", help="The type of browser to use for the viewer (as per Python webbrowser)", ) parser.add_argument( "--appurl", metavar="URL", help="The URL of the app to use (intended for developers)", ) parser.add_argument( "--tile-only", action="store_true", help="Tile the data but do not open for viewing", ) parser.add_argument( "--tiling-method", default="auto", choices=["auto", "tan", "toast", "hips"], help="The target projection when tiling: `auto`, `tan`, `toast`, or `hips`", ) parser.add_argument( "paths", metavar="PATHS", action=EnsureGlobsExpandedAction, nargs="+", help="The FITS file(s) with image data", ) def view_locally(settings): from wwt_data_formats.server import preview_wtml from . import TilingMethod from .collection import CollectionLoader from .fits_tiler import FitsTiler if settings.tiling_method == "auto": tiling_method = TilingMethod.AUTO_DETECT elif settings.tiling_method == "tan": tiling_method = TilingMethod.TAN elif settings.tiling_method == "toast": tiling_method = TilingMethod.TOAST elif settings.tiling_method == "hips": tiling_method = TilingMethod.HIPS else: # This shouldn't happen since argparse should validate the input die(f"unhandled tiling method `{settings.tiling_method}`") coll = CollectionLoader.create_from_args(settings).load_paths(settings.paths) # Ignore any astropy WCS/FITS warnings, which can spew a lot of annoying output. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") tiler = FitsTiler(coll, tiling_method=tiling_method) tiler.tile(cli_progress=True, parallel=settings.parallelism) rel_wtml_path = os.path.join(tiler.out_dir, "index_rel.wtml") if settings.tile_only: print("WTML:", rel_wtml_path) return preview_wtml( rel_wtml_path, browser=settings.browser, app_type="research", app_url=settings.appurl, ) def view_tunneled(settings): import random import shlex import subprocess from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse from wwt_data_formats.folder import Folder from wwt_data_formats.server import launch_app_for_wtml # First: tunnel to the remote host to tile the data and get the path to the # index_rel.wtml. # # If you do `ssh $host $command`, you don't get a login shell, and in some # setups that means that not all environment initialization happens. Which # might mean that the `toasty` command won't be available. We work around # that by avoiding $command and writing an `exec` to stdin. This is gross # and raises issues of escaping funky filenames, but those issues already # exist with SSH command arguments. # # We give SSH `-T` to prevent warnings about not allocating pseudo-TTYs. ssh_argv = ["ssh", "-T", settings.tunnel] toasty_argv = [ "exec", "toasty", "view", "--tile-only", f"--tiling-method={settings.tiling_method}", ] if settings.parallelism: toasty_argv += ["--parallelism", str(settings.parallelism)] toasty_argv += [shlex.quote(p) for p in settings.paths] print(f"Preparing data on `{settings.tunnel}` ...\n") proc = subprocess.Popen( ssh_argv, shell=False, close_fds=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True, ) print(" ".join(toasty_argv), file=proc.stdin) proc.stdin.close() index_rel_path = None for line in proc.stdout: print(line, end="") if line.startswith("WTML:"): index_rel_path = line.rstrip().split(None, 1)[1] proc.wait(timeout=180) if proc.returncode: die(f"SSH command exited with error code {proc.returncode}") if not index_rel_path: die("SSH command seemed successful, but did not return path of data WTML file") del proc # Next, launch the server. Same environment workaround as before. We use a # special "heartbeat" mode in the server to get it to exit reliably when the # SSH connection goes away. `--port 0` has the OS automatically choose a # free port. serve_argv = [ "exec", "wwtdatatool", "serve", "--port", "0", "--heartbeat", shlex.quote(os.path.dirname(index_rel_path)), ] print(f"\nLaunching data server on `{settings.tunnel}` ...\n") serve_proc = None try: serve_proc = subprocess.Popen( ssh_argv, shell=False, close_fds=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True, ) print(" ".join(serve_argv), file=serve_proc.stdin, flush=True) serve_proc.stdin.close() remote_serve_url = None for line in serve_proc.stdout: print(line, end="") if line.startswith("listening at:"): remote_serve_url = line.rstrip().split(None, 2)[2] break if serve_proc.poll() is not None: die(f"SSH command exited early with code {serve_proc.returncode}") if not remote_serve_url: die("SSH command did not return web service URL") try: remote_url_parsed = urlparse(remote_serve_url) except Exception as e: die(f"could not parse service URL `{remote_serve_url}`: {e}") # Now forward the relevant port. Unfortunately it does not seem to be # possible to have SSH auto-choose the local port. It is possible to use a # Unix socket on the local side, but then we won't work on non-Unix. print("\nLaunching viewer here ...\n") port = None try: for _ in range(10): port = random.randint(44000, 48000) forward_argv = [ "ssh", "-O", "forward", "-L", f"{port}:{remote_url_parsed.netloc}", settings.tunnel, ] try: subprocess.check_call(forward_argv, shell=False) break except Exception as e: warn(f"failed to forward port {port}: {e}") port = None if port is None: die("could not find a local port to relay traffic (?!)") print(f" Local port: {port}") # Somewhat annoyingly, for the research app we currently need to get # the URL of the imageset. The most reliable way to do that is going # to be to look at the WTML. This reproduces some of the logic in # `wwt_data_formats.server.preview_wtml()`. wtml_base = os.path.basename(index_rel_path).replace("_rel.wtml", ".wtml") local_wtml_url = urlunparse( remote_url_parsed._replace( netloc=f"{port}", path=f"{remote_url_parsed.path}{wtml_base}", ) ) fld = Folder.from_url(local_wtml_url) image_url = None for _index, _kind, imgset in fld.immediate_imagesets(): image_url = imgset.url break if image_url is None: die("found no imagesets in data WTML folder `{local_wtml_url}`") # Now we can finally launch the local browser. print(" Local WTML:", local_wtml_url) desc = launch_app_for_wtml( local_wtml_url, image_url=image_url, browser=settings.browser, app_type="research", app_url=settings.appurl, ) print( f"\nOpening data in {desc} ... type Control-C to terminate this program when done" ) try: # We need to keep on reading the heartbeats sent by the data server # to prevent its buffers from filling up. while True: serve_proc.stdout.readline() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\n(interrupted)\n") except Exception as e: print(f"\nTerminated on exception: {e} ({e.__class__.__name__})\n") finally: # Clean up the port forward. if port is not None: forward_argv[2] = "cancel" try: subprocess.check_call(forward_argv, shell=False) except Exception as e: warn(f"failed to cancel port forward: {e}") finally: # Clean up the server process. With our "heartbeat" mode, # this is pretty straightforward. if serve_proc is not None: serve_proc.stdout.close() serve_proc.stdin.close() serve_proc.wait() def view_impl(settings): if settings.tunnel: view_tunneled(settings) else: view_locally(settings) # The CLI driver:
[docs] def entrypoint(args=None): """The entrypoint for the \"toasty\" command-line interface. Parameters ---------- args : iterable of str, or None (the default) The arguments on the command line. The first argument should be a subcommand name or global option; there is no ``argv[0]`` parameter. """ # Set up the subcommands. We use locals() and globals() in a fairly gross # way to avoid circular import issues in Sphinx. from .pipeline.cli import pipeline_getparser, pipeline_impl names = dict(locals()) names.update(globals()) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subcommand") commands = set() for py_name, value in names.items(): if py_name.endswith("_getparser"): cmd_name = py_name[:-10].replace("_", "-") subparser = subparsers.add_parser(cmd_name) value(subparser) commands.add(cmd_name) # What did we get? settings = parser.parse_args(args) if settings.subcommand is None: print("Run me with --help for help. Allowed subcommands are:") print() for cmd in sorted(commands): print(" ", cmd) return py_name = settings.subcommand.replace("-", "_") impl = names.get(py_name + "_impl") if impl is None: die('no such subcommand "{}"'.format(settings.subcommand)) # OK to go! impl(settings)