Source code for toasty.image

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020-2021 the AAS WorldWide Telescope project
# Licensed under the MIT License.

Low-level loading and handling of images.

Here, images are defined as 2D data buffers stored in memory. Images might be
small, if dealing with an individual tile, or extremely large, if loading up a
large study for tiling.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

__all__ = """

from enum import Enum
from PIL import Image as pil_image
import numpy as np
import warnings
import sys
import os

    from import fits

except ImportError:


    SUPPORTED_FORMATS += ["fits"]

def _validate_format(name, fmt):
    if fmt is not None and fmt not in SUPPORTED_FORMATS:
        raise ValueError(
            "{0} should be one of {1}".format(name, "/".join(sorted(SUPPORTED_FORMATS)))

[docs] def get_format_vertical_parity_sign(format): """ Get the vertical data layout associated with an image format, expressed as a coordinate system parity sign. Parameters ---------- format : :class:`str` The format name; one of ``SUPPORTED_FORMATS`` Returns ------- Either +1 or -1, depending on the format's preferred parity. FITS has +1 and everything else has -1 (for now). Notes ----- See :meth:`Image.get_parity_sign` for a discussion of general parity concepts. While parity should be associated with coordinate systems, rather than image file formats, there is a connection in the vertical data layout that different file formats are assumed to use. In particular, WWT assumes that most image file formats use a "top-down" data layout: if the data buffer is a 2D array expressed in standard C/Python conventions, the zeroth row (``data[0,:]``) is located at the top of the image. FITS formats, on the other hand, are assumed to be bottoms-up: the zeroth row is at the bottom. While proper WCS coordinates can convey *either* parity in a FITS file, WWT's renderer assumes bottoms-up. """ if format == "fits": return +1 return -1
def _array_to_mode(array): if array.ndim == 2: if array.dtype.kind == "f" and array.dtype.itemsize == 4: return ImageMode.F32 elif array.dtype.kind == "f" and array.dtype.itemsize == 8: return ImageMode.F64 elif array.dtype.kind == "u" and array.dtype.itemsize == 1: return ImageMode.U8 elif array.dtype.kind == "i" and array.dtype.itemsize == 2: return ImageMode.I16 elif array.dtype.kind == "i" and array.dtype.itemsize == 4: return ImageMode.I32 elif array.ndim == 3: if array.shape[2] == 3: if array.dtype.kind == "f" and array.itemsize == 2: return ImageMode.F16x3 elif array.dtype.kind == "u" and array.dtype.itemsize == 1: return ImageMode.RGB elif array.shape[2] == 4: if array.dtype.kind == "u" and array.dtype.itemsize == 1: return ImageMode.RGBA raise ValueError( "Could not determine mode for array with dtype {0} and shape {1}".format( array.dtype, array.shape ) )
[docs] class ImageMode(Enum): """ Allowed image "modes", describing their pixel data formats. These align with PIL modes when possible, but we expect to need to support modes that aren't present in PIL (namely, float64). There are also various obscure PIL modes that we do not support. """ RGB = "RGB" "24-bit color with three uint8 channels for red, green, and blue." RGBA = "RGBA" "32-bit color with four uint8 channels for red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency)." F32 = "F" "32-bit floating-point scalar data." F64 = "D" "64-bit floating-point scalar data." F16x3 = "F16x3" """ 48-bit color with three 16-bit floating-point channels for red, green, and blue. This mode is useful for high-dynamic-range image processing and can be stored in the OpenEXR file format. """ U8 = "U8" I16 = "I16" "16-bit integer data." I32 = "I32" "32-bit integer data."
[docs] @classmethod def from_array_info(cls, shape, dtype): # Make sure we have an actual dtype instance to work with: dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if len(shape) == 2: if dtype.kind == "f" and dtype.itemsize == 4: return cls.F32 elif dtype.kind == "f" and dtype.itemsize == 8: return cls.F64 elif dtype.kind == "u" and dtype.itemsize == 1: return cls.U8 elif dtype.kind == "i" and dtype.itemsize == 2: return cls.I16 elif dtype.kind == "i" and dtype.itemsize == 4: return cls.I32 elif len(shape) == 3: if shape[2] == 3: if dtype.kind == "f" and dtype.itemsize == 2: return cls.F16x3 elif dtype.kind == "u" and dtype.itemsize == 1: return cls.RGB elif shape[2] == 4: if dtype.kind == "u" and dtype.itemsize == 1: return cls.RGBA raise ValueError( "Could not determine mode for array with dtype {0} and shape {1}".format( dtype, shape ) )
[docs] def make_maskable_buffer(self, buf_height, buf_width): """ Return a new, uninitialized buffer of the specified shape, with a mode compatible with this one but able to accept undefined values. Parameters ---------- buf_height : int The height of the new buffer buf_width : int The width of the new buffer Returns ------- An uninitialized :class:`Image` instance. Notes ----- "Maskable" means that the buffer can accommodate undefined values. If the image is RGB or RGBA, that means that the buffer will have an alpha channel. If the image is scientific, that means that the buffer will be able to accept NaNs. """ if self in (ImageMode.RGB, ImageMode.RGBA): arr = np.empty((buf_height, buf_width, 4), dtype=np.uint8) elif self == ImageMode.F32: arr = np.empty((buf_height, buf_width), dtype=np.float32) elif self == ImageMode.F64: arr = np.empty((buf_height, buf_width), dtype=np.float64) elif self == ImageMode.F16x3: arr = np.empty((buf_height, buf_width, 3), dtype=np.float16) elif self == ImageMode.U8: arr = np.empty((buf_height, buf_width), dtype=np.uint8) elif self == ImageMode.I16: arr = np.empty((buf_height, buf_width), dtype=np.int16) elif self == ImageMode.I32: arr = np.empty((buf_height, buf_width), dtype=np.int32) else: raise Exception("unhandled mode in make_maskable_buffer()") return Image.from_array(arr)
[docs] def try_as_pil(self): """ Attempt to convert this mode into a PIL image mode string. Returns ------- A PIL image mode string, or None if there is no exact counterpart. """ if self == ImageMode.F16x3: return None return self.value
def _wcs_to_parity_sign(wcs): h = wcs.to_header() cd1_1 = h["CDELT1"] * h.get("PC1_1", 1.0) cd1_2 = h["CDELT1"] * h.get("PC1_2", 0.0) cd2_1 = h["CDELT2"] * h.get("PC2_1", 0.0) cd2_2 = h["CDELT2"] * h.get("PC2_2", 1.0) det = cd1_1 * cd2_2 - cd1_2 * cd2_1 if det < 0: return 1 # yes! *negative* determinant is *positive* parity sign return -1 def _flip_wcs_parity(wcs, image_height): from astropy.wcs import WCS h = wcs.to_header() h["CD1_1"] = h["CDELT1"] * h.setdefault("PC1_1", 1.0) h["CD1_2"] = h["CDELT1"] * h.setdefault("PC1_2", 0.0) h["CD2_1"] = h["CDELT2"] * h.setdefault("PC2_1", 0.0) h["CD2_2"] = h["CDELT2"] * h.setdefault("PC2_2", 1.0) for hn in "CDELT1 CDELT2 PC1_1 PC1_2 PC2_1 PC2_2".split(): del h[hn] # Here's what we need to flip: h["CD1_2"] *= -1 h["CD2_2"] *= -1 h["CRPIX2"] = ( image_height + 1 - h["CRPIX2"] ) # this is FITS, so pixel indices are 1-based return WCS(h)
[docs] class ImageDescription(object): """ Information about an image, without its actual bitmap data. This comes in handy when processing a large block of images -- often, one wants to analyze them all to determine some global settings, then do the actual processing on an image-by-image basis. """ mode = None "The image's pixel data format." shape = None "The shape of the image's data array." wcs = None "The WCS information associated with the image, if available." def __init__(self, mode=None, shape=None, wcs=None): self.mode = mode self.shape = shape self.wcs = wcs # Stuff redundant with plain Image. I would like to reduce the duplication # here but I'm not liking the idea of making image data-optional. @property def dtype(self): return self.asarray().dtype @property def width(self): return self.shape[1] @property def height(self): return self.shape[0]
[docs] def get_parity_sign(self): """ Get this ImageDescription's parity, based on its WCS. Returns ------- Either +1 or -1, depending on the image parity. Notes ----- See :meth:`Image.get_parity_sign` for detailed discussion. """ if self.wcs is None: raise ValueError( "cannot determine parity of an ImageDescription without WCS" ) return _wcs_to_parity_sign(self.wcs)
[docs] def flip_parity(self): """ Invert the parity of this ImageDescription's WCS. Returns ------- *self*, for chaining convenience. Notes ----- See :meth:`Image.flip_parity` for detailed discussion. This method inverts the WCS but, because image descriptions do not come with associated data, doesn't do that. """ if self.wcs is None: raise ValueError( "cannot flip the parity of an ImageDescription without WCS" ) self.wcs = _flip_wcs_parity(self.wcs, self.height) return self
[docs] def ensure_negative_parity(self): """ Ensure that this ImageDescription has negative parity. Returns ------- *self*, for chaining convenience. Notes ----- See :meth:`Image.ensure_negative_parity` for detailed discussion. This method mgiht invert the WCS but, because image descriptions do not come with associated data, doesn't do that. """ if self.get_parity_sign() == 1: self.flip_parity() return self
[docs] class ImageLoader(object): """ A class defining how to load an image. This is implemented as its own class since there can be some options involved, and we want to provide a centralized place for handling them all. """ black_to_transparent = False colorspace_processing = "srgb" crop = None psd_single_layer = None
[docs] @classmethod def add_arguments(cls, parser): """ Add standard image-loading options to an argparse parser object. Parameters ---------- parser : :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` The argument parser to modify Returns ------- The :class:`ImageLoader` class (for chainability). Notes ----- If you are writing a command-line interface that takes a single image as an input, use this function to wire in to standardized image-loading infrastructure and options. """ parser.add_argument( "--black-to-transparent", action="store_true", help="Convert full black colors to be transparent", ) parser.add_argument( "--colorspace-processing", metavar="MODE", default="srgb", help="What kind of RGB colorspace processing to perform (default: %(default)s; choices: %(choices)s)", choices=["srgb", "none"], ) parser.add_argument( "--crop", metavar="TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM,LEFT", help="Crop the input image by discarding pixels from each edge (default: 0,0,0,0)", ) parser.add_argument( "--psd-single-layer", type=int, metavar="NUMBER", help="If loading a Photoshop image, the (0-based) layer number to load -- saves memory", ) return cls
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_args(cls, settings): """ Process standard image-loading options to create an :class:`ImageLoader`. Parameters ---------- settings : :class:`argparse.Namespace` Settings from processing command-line arguments Returns ------- A new :class:`ImageLoader` initialized with the settings. """ loader = cls() loader.black_to_transparent = settings.black_to_transparent loader.colorspace_processing = settings.colorspace_processing loader.psd_single_layer = settings.psd_single_layer if settings.crop is not None: try: crop = list(map(int, settings.crop.split(","))) assert all(c >= 0 for c in crop) assert len(crop) in (1, 2, 4) except Exception: raise Exception( "cannot parse `--crop` setting `{settings.crop!r}`: should be a comma-separated list of 1, 2, or 4 non-negative integers" ) if len(crop) == 1: c = crop[0] crop = [c, c, c, c] elif len(crop) == 2: cv, ch = crop crop = [cv, ch, cv, ch] loader.crop = crop return loader
[docs] def load_pil(self, pil_img): """ Load an already opened PIL image. Parameters ---------- pil_img : :class:`PIL.Image.Image` The image. Returns ------- A new :class:`Image`. Notes ----- This function should be used instead of :meth:`Image.from_pil` because may postprocess the image in various ways, depending on the loader configuration. """ # If we're cropping, do it. if self.crop is not None: upper = self.crop[0] right = pil_img.width - self.crop[1] lower = pil_img.height - self.crop[2] left = self.crop[3] # This operation can trigger PIL decompression-bomb aborts, so # avoid them in the standard, non-thread-safe, way. old_max = pil_image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS try: pil_image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = None pil_img = pil_img.crop((left, upper, right, lower)) finally: pil_image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = old_max # If an unrecognized mode, try to standardize it. The weird PIL modes # don't generally support an alpha channel, so we convert to RGB. try: ImageMode(pil_img.mode) except ValueError: print( 'warning: trying to convert image file to RGB from unexpected bitmode "%s"' % pil_img.mode ) if self.black_to_transparent: # Avoid double-converting in the next filter. pil_img = pil_img.convert("RGBA") else: pil_img = pil_img.convert("RGB") # Convert pure black to transparent -- make sure to do this before any # colorspace processing. # # As far as I can tell, PIL has no good way to modify an image on a # pixel-by-pixel level in-place, which is really annoying. For now I'm # doing this processing in Numpy space, but for an image that almost # fills up memory we might have to use a different approach since this # one will involve holding two buffers at once. if self.black_to_transparent: if pil_img.mode != "RGBA": pil_img = pil_img.convert("RGBA") a = np.asarray(pil_img) a = a.copy() # read-only buffer => writeable for i in range(a.shape[0]): nonblack = a[i, ..., 0] > 0 np.logical_or(nonblack, a[i, ..., 1] > 0, out=nonblack) np.logical_or(nonblack, a[i, ..., 2] > 0, out=nonblack) a[i, ..., 3] *= nonblack # This is my attempt to preserve the image metadata and other # attributes, swapping out the pixel data only. There is probably # a better way to do this new_img = pil_image.fromarray(a, mode=pil_img.mode) = del a, new_img # Make sure that we end up in the right color space. From experience, some # EPO images have funky colorspaces and we need to convert to sRGB to get # the tiled versions to appear correctly. if self.colorspace_processing != "none" and "icc_profile" in assert self.colorspace_processing == "srgb" # more modes, one day? try: from PIL import ImageCms # ImageCms doesn't raise import error if the implementation is unavailable # "for doc purposes". To see if it's available we need to actually try to # do something: out_prof = ImageCms.createProfile("sRGB") except ImportError: print( """warning: colorspace processing requested, but no `ImageCms` module found in PIL. Your installation of PIL probably does not have colorspace support. Colors will not be transformed to sRGB and therefore may not appear as intended. Compare toasty's output to your source image and decide if this is acceptable to you. Consider a different setting of the `--colorspace-processing` argument to avoid this warning.""", file=sys.stderr, ) else: from io import BytesIO in_prof = ImageCms.getOpenProfile(BytesIO(["icc_profile"])) xform = ImageCms.buildTransform( in_prof, out_prof, pil_img.mode, pil_img.mode ) ImageCms.applyTransform(pil_img, xform, inPlace=True) return Image.from_pil(pil_img)
[docs] def load_stream(self, stream): """ Load an image into memory from a file-like stream. Parameters ---------- stream : file-like The data to load. Reads should yield bytes. Returns ------- A new :class:`Image`. """ # TODO: one day, we'll support FITS files and whatnot and we'll have a # mode where we get a Numpy array but not a PIL image. For now, just # pass it off to PIL and hope for the best. # Prevent PIL decompression-bomb aborts. Not thread-safe, of course. old_max = pil_image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS try: pil_image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = None pilimg = finally: pil_image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = old_max # Now pass it off to generic PIL handling ... return self.load_pil(pilimg)
[docs] def load_path(self, path): """ Load an image into memory from a filesystem path. Parameters ---------- path : str The filesystem path to load. Returns ------- A new :class:`Image`. """ # Special handling for Numpy arrays. TODO: it would be better to sniff # filetypes instead of just looking at extensions. But, lazy. if path.endswith(".npy"): arr = np.load(path) return Image.from_array(arr, default_format="npy") if path.lower().endswith((".fits", ".fts", ".fits.gz", ".fts.gz")): # TODO: implement a better way to recognize FITS files # TODO: decide how to handle multiple HDUs # TODO: decide how to handle non-TAN projections with as hdul: arr = hdul[0].data if ASTROPY_INSTALLED: from astropy.wcs import WCS wcs = WCS(hdul[0].header) else: wcs = None max_value = self._get_header_value_or_none( header=hdul[0].header, keyword="DATAMAX" ) min_value = self._get_header_value_or_none( header=hdul[0].header, keyword="DATAMIN" ) img = Image.from_array( arr, wcs=wcs, default_format="fits", min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, ) return img # Special handling for Photoshop files, used for some very large mosaics # with transparency (e.g. the PHAT M31/M33 images). # TODO: check for AVM in following formats and set WCS using this if needed. if path.endswith(".psd") or path.endswith(".psb"): try: from psd_tools import PSDImage except ImportError: pass else: psd = # If the Photoshop image is a single layer, we can save a lot of # memory by not using the composite() function. This has helped # me process very large Photoshop files. if self.psd_single_layer is not None: pilimg = psd[self.psd_single_layer].topil() else: pilimg = psd.composite() return self.load_pil(pilimg) # Special handling for OpenEXR files, used for large images with high # dynamic range. if path.endswith(".exr"): from .openexr import load_openexr img = load_openexr(path) if img.dtype != np.float16: raise Exception( "only half-precision OpenEXR images are currently supported" ) return Image.from_array(img) # (One day, maybe we'll do more kinds of sniffing.) No special handling # came into play; just open the file and auto-detect. with open(path, "rb") as f: return self.load_stream(f)
def _get_header_value_or_none(self, header, keyword): value = None if keyword in header: value = header[keyword] return value
[docs] class Image(object): """ A 2D data array stored in memory, potential with spatial positioning information. This class primarily exists to help us abstract between the cases where we have "bitmap" RGB(A) images and "science" floating-point images. """ _pil = None _array = None _mode = None _default_format = "png" _wcs = None _data_min = None _data_max = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_pil(cls, pil_img, wcs=None, default_format=None): """ Create a new Image from a PIL image. Parameters ---------- pil_img : :class:`PIL.Image.Image` The source image. wcs : :class:`~astropy.wcs.WCS`, optional The WCS coordinate system for the image. default_format : str, optional The default format to use when writing the image if none is specified explicitly. Returns ------- A new :class:`Image` wrapping the PIL image. """ _validate_format("default_format", default_format) # Make sure that the image data are actually loaded from disk. Pillow # lazy-loads such that sometimes `np.asarray(img)` ends up failing # mysteriously if the image is loaded from a file handle that is closed # promptly. pil_img.load() inst = cls() inst._pil = pil_img inst._wcs = wcs inst._default_format = default_format or cls._default_format try: inst._mode = ImageMode(pil_img.mode) except ValueError: raise Exception("image mode {} is not supported".format(pil_img.mode)) return inst
[docs] @classmethod def from_array( cls, array, wcs=None, default_format=None, min_value=None, max_value=None ): """Create a new Image from an array-like data variable. Parameters ---------- array : array-like object The source data. This should either be a 2-d floating point array a 3-d floating-point or uint8 array with shape (3, ny, nx), or a 3-d uint8 array with shape (4, ny, nx). wcs : :class:`~astropy.wcs.WCS`, optional The WCS coordinate system for the image. default_format : str, optional The default format to use when writing the image if none is specified explicitly. If not specified, this is automatically chosen at write time based on the array type. min_value : number or ``None`` (the default) An optional number only used for FITS images. The value represents to the lowest data value in this image and its children. max_value : number or ``None`` (the default) An optional number only used for FITS images. The value represents to the highest data value in this image and its children. Returns ------- A new :class:`Image` wrapping the data. Notes ----- The array will be converted to be at least two-dimensional. """ _validate_format("default_format", default_format) # Windows systems ('nt') cannot close a file while there are any variables pointing # to data within the opened file. Therefore we have to copy the entire array from # the opened file. In other, more permissive operating systems, pointing to the # file data is ok. if == "nt": array = np.copy(array) array = np.atleast_2d(array) inst = cls() inst._mode = _array_to_mode(array) inst._default_format = default_format or cls._default_format inst._array = array inst._wcs = wcs if "fits" in inst._default_format: if min_value is not None: inst._data_min = min_value if max_value is not None: inst._data_max = max_value return inst
[docs] def asarray(self): """Obtain the image data as a Numpy array. Returns ------- If the image is an RGB(A) bitmap, the array will have shape ``(height, width, planes)`` and a dtype of ``uint8``, where ``planes`` is either 3 or 4 depending on whether the image has an alpha channel. If the image is science data, it will have shape ``(height, width)`` and have a floating-point dtype. """ # NOTE: it turns out that np.asarray() on a PIL image has to copy the # entire image data. So, on a large image, it becomes super slow. # Therefore we cache the array. The array is marked read-only so we # don't have to worry about it and the PIL image getting out of sync # with modifications. if self._array is None: self._array = np.asarray(self._pil) return self._array
[docs] def aspil(self): """Obtain the image data as :class:`PIL.Image.Image`. Returns ------- If the image was loaded as a PIL image, the underlying object will be returned. Otherwise the data array will be converted into a PIL image, which requires that the array have an RGB(A) format with a shape of ``(height, width, planes)``, where ``planes`` is 3 or 4, and a dtype of ``uint8``. """ if self._pil is not None: return self._pil if self.mode.try_as_pil() is None: raise Exception( f"Toasty image with mode {self.mode} cannot be converted to PIL" ) return pil_image.fromarray(self._array)
@property def mode(self): return self._mode @property def dtype(self): # TODO: can this be more efficient? Does it need to be? return self.asarray().dtype @property def wcs(self): return self._wcs @property def shape(self): if self._array is not None: return self._array.shape return (self._pil.height, self._pil.width, len(self._pil.getbands())) @property def width(self): return self.shape[1] @property def height(self): return self.shape[0] @property def default_format(self): if self._default_format is None: if self.mode in (ImageMode.RGB, ImageMode.RGBA): return "png" elif self.mode in ( ImageMode.F32, ImageMode.F64, ImageMode.F16x3, ImageMode.U8, ImageMode.I16, ImageMode.I32, ): return "npy" else: return self._default_format @default_format.setter def default_format(self, value): if value in SUPPORTED_FORMATS: self._default_format = value else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized format: {0}".format(value)) @property def data_min(self): return self._data_min @property def data_max(self): return self._data_max
[docs] def has_wcs(self): """ Return whether this image has attached WCS information. Returns ------- True if this image has WCS, False otherwise. """ return self._wcs is not None
[docs] def get_parity_sign(self): """ Get this image's parity, based on its WCS. Returns ------- Either +1 or -1, depending on the image parity as defined below. Notes ----- Images of the sky can have one of two "parities". An image's parity relates its pixel buffer coordinate system to the sky coordinate system. If you point a digital camera at the sky, take a picture, and save it as a JPEG, the resulting image will have **negative** parity: if the image is not rotated, an increasing pixel X value will mean a *decreasing* RA (longitudinal) coordinate (because RA increases to the left), and an increasing pixel Y value will mean a decreasing declination (latitudinal) coordinate as well. Negative parity is also called "top-down" in WWT, or "JPEG-like", and is associated with a *positive* determinant of the FITS "CD" matrix. If this image's WCS coordinates indicate negative parity, this method returns -1. FITS images of the sky are flipped in comparison: when no rotation is in effect, an increasing pixel X value still means a decreasing RA, but an increasing pixel Y value mean an *increasing* declination. No rotation operation can convert FITS parity to JPEG parity. This is called positive parity, AKA "bottoms-up", and is associated with a *negative* determinant of the FITS CD matrix. If this image's WCS coordinates indicate positive parity, this method returns +1. If the image has no WCS, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. This is all relevant because in WWT, images must be tiled in a coordinate system that has negative parity. """ if self._wcs is None: raise ValueError("cannot determine parity of an image without WCS") return _wcs_to_parity_sign(self._wcs)
[docs] def flip_parity(self): """ Invert the parity of this image without changing its appearance. Returns ------- *self*, for chaining convenience. Notes ----- See :meth:`get_parity_sign` for an introduction to image parity. This method flips the parity of the current image by vertically flipping both its pixel data *and* its WCS, so that the image's appearance on the sky will remain the same. If the image has no WCS, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. """ if self._wcs is None: raise ValueError("cannot flip the parity of an image without WCS") self._wcs = _flip_wcs_parity(self._wcs, self.height) self._array = self.asarray()[::-1] return self
[docs] def ensure_negative_parity(self): """ Ensure that this image has negative parity. Returns ------- *self*, for chaining convenience. Notes ----- See :meth:`get_parity_sign` for an introduction to image parity. This method ensures that the current image has negative (JPEG-like, top-down) parity, flipping it from positive parity if needed. Only images with negative parity may be tiled in WWT. This operation requires the image to have WCS information. If none is available, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. """ if self.get_parity_sign() == 1: self.flip_parity() return self
def _as_writeable_array(self): """ Helper that does what it says. Should potentially become a public API at some point? """ arr = self.asarray() if not arr.flags.writeable: try: arr.setflags(write=True) except ValueError: # Source array is immutable, perhaps because it does not own its # data (OWNDATA flag is false). In that case we have to copy: arr = arr.copy() self._array = arr # Ensure that we don't try to use the PIL representation anymore, since # it will be out-of-date. self._pil = None return arr
[docs] def fill_into_maskable_buffer(self, buffer, iy_idx, ix_idx, by_idx, bx_idx): """ Fill a maskable buffer with a rectangle of data from this image. Parameters ---------- buffer : :class:`Image` The destination buffer image, created with :meth:`ImageMode.make_maskable_buffer`. iy_idx : slice or other indexer The indexer into the Y axis of the source image (self). ix_idx : slice or other indexer The indexer into the X axis of the source image (self). by_idx : slice or other indexer The indexer into the Y axis of the destination *buffer*. bx_idx : slice or other indexer The indexer into the X axis of the destination *buffer*. Notes ----- This highly specialized function is used to tile images efficiently. No bounds checking is performed. The rectangles defined by the indexers in the source and destination are assumed to agree in size. The regions of the buffer not filled by source data are masked, namely: either filled with alpha=0 or with NaN, depending on the image mode. """ i = self.asarray() b = buffer._as_writeable_array() if self.mode == ImageMode.RGB: b.fill(0) b[by_idx, bx_idx, :3] = i[iy_idx, ix_idx] b[by_idx, bx_idx, 3] = 255 elif self.mode in (ImageMode.RGBA, ImageMode.U8, ImageMode.I16, ImageMode.I32): b.fill(0) b[by_idx, bx_idx] = i[iy_idx, ix_idx] elif self.mode in (ImageMode.F32, ImageMode.F64, ImageMode.F16x3): b.fill(np.nan) b[by_idx, bx_idx] = i[iy_idx, ix_idx] else: raise Exception("unhandled mode in fill_into_maskable_buffer")
[docs] def update_into_maskable_buffer(self, buffer, iy_idx, ix_idx, by_idx, bx_idx): """ Update a maskable buffer with data from this image. Parameters ---------- buffer : :class:`Image` The destination buffer image, created with :meth:`ImageMode.make_maskable_buffer`. iy_idx : slice or other indexer The indexer into the Y axis of the source image (self). ix_idx : slice or other indexer The indexer into the X axis of the source image (self). by_idx : slice or other indexer The indexer into the Y axis of the destination *buffer*. bx_idx : slice or other indexer The indexer into the X axis of the destination *buffer*. Notes ----- Unlike :meth:`fill_into_maskable_buffer`, this function does not clear the entire buffer. It only overwrites the portion of the buffer covered by non-NaN-like values of the input image. """ i = self.asarray() b = buffer._as_writeable_array() sub_b = b[by_idx, bx_idx] sub_i = i[iy_idx, ix_idx] if self.mode == ImageMode.RGB: sub_b[..., :3] = sub_i sub_b[..., 3] = 255 elif self.mode == ImageMode.RGBA: valid = sub_i[..., 3] != 0 valid = np.broadcast_to(valid[..., None], sub_i.shape) np.putmask(sub_b, valid, sub_i) elif self.mode in (ImageMode.F32, ImageMode.F64): valid = ~np.isnan(sub_i) np.putmask(sub_b, valid, sub_i) elif self.mode == ImageMode.F16x3: valid = ~np.any(np.isnan(sub_i), axis=2) valid = np.broadcast_to(valid[..., None], sub_i.shape) np.putmask(sub_b, valid, sub_i) elif self.mode in (ImageMode.U8, ImageMode.I16, ImageMode.I32): # zero is our maskval, so here's a convenient way to get pretty good # update semantics. It will behave unusually if two buffers overlap # and disagree on their non-zero pixel values: instead of the second # buffer "winning", we'll effectively get a mix-and-match of which # buffer "wins", biased towards the brighter values. np.maximum(sub_b, sub_i, out=sub_b) else: raise Exception( f"unhandled mode `{self.mode}` in update_into_maskable_buffer" )
def is_completely_masked(self): """ Return whether the image is completely masked. """ i = self.asarray() if self.mode in (ImageMode.RGB, ImageMode.U8, ImageMode.I16, ImageMode.I32): return False elif self.mode in (ImageMode.F32, ImageMode.F64, ImageMode.F16x3): return np.all(np.isnan(i)) elif self.mode == ImageMode.RGBA: return np.all(i[..., 3] == 0) else: raise Exception( f"unhandled mode `{self.mode}` in is_completely_masked" )
[docs] def save( self, path_or_stream, format=None, mode=None, min_value=None, max_value=None ): """ Save this image to a filesystem path or stream Parameters ---------- path_or_stream : path-like object or file-like object The destination into which the data should be written. If file-like, the stream should accept bytes. format : :class:`str` or ``None`` (the default) The format name; one of ``SUPPORTED_FORMATS`` mode : :class:`toasty.image.ImageMode` or ``None`` (the default) The image data mode to use if ``format`` is a ``PIL_FORMATS`` min_value : number or ``None`` (the default) An optional number only used for FITS images. The value represents to the lowest data value in this image and its children. If not set, the minimum value will be extracted from this image. max_value : number or ``None`` (the default) An optional number only used for FITS images. The value represents to the highest data value in this image and its children. If not set, the maximum value will be extracted from this image. """ _validate_format("format", format) format = format or self._default_format if format in PIL_FORMATS: pil_image = self.aspil() if format in PIL_RGB_FORMATS and mode is None: mode = ImageMode.RGB if mode is not None: pil_image = pil_image.convert(mode.try_as_pil()), format=PIL_FORMATS[format]) elif format == "npy":, self.asarray()) elif format == "fits": header = fits.Header() if self._wcs is None else self._wcs.to_header() arr = self.asarray() # Avoid annoying RuntimeWarnings on all-NaN data with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if min_value is not None: header["DATAMIN"] = min_value else: m = np.nanmin(arr) if np.isfinite( m ): # Astropy will raise an error if we don't NaN-guard header["DATAMIN"] = m if max_value is not None: header["DATAMAX"] = max_value else: m = np.nanmax(arr) if np.isfinite(m): header["DATAMAX"] = m fits.writeto( path_or_stream, arr, header=header, overwrite=True, )
[docs] def make_thumbnail_bitmap(self): """Create a thumbnail bitmap from the image. Returns ------- An RGB :class:`PIL.Image.Image` representing a thumbnail of the input image. WWT thumbnails are 96 pixels wide and 45 pixels tall and should be saved in JPEG format. """ if self.mode in ( ImageMode.U8, ImageMode.I16, ImageMode.I32, ImageMode.F32, ImageMode.F64, ImageMode.F16x3, ): raise Exception("cannot thumbnail-ify non-RGB Image") THUMB_SHAPE = (96, 45) THUMB_ASPECT = THUMB_SHAPE[0] / THUMB_SHAPE[1] if self.width / self.height > THUMB_ASPECT: # The image is wider than desired; we'll need to crop off the sides. target_width = int(round(self.height * THUMB_ASPECT)) dx = (self.width - target_width) // 2 crop_box = (dx, 0, dx + target_width, self.height) else: # The image is taller than desired; crop off top and bottom. target_height = int(round(self.width / THUMB_ASPECT)) dy = (self.height - target_height) // 2 crop_box = (0, dy, self.width, dy + target_height) # Turns out that PIL the decompression-bomb checks happen here too. # Disable in our usual, not thread-safe, way. old_max = pil_image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS try: pil_image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = None thumb = self.aspil().crop(crop_box) finally: pil_image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = old_max thumb.thumbnail(THUMB_SHAPE) # Depending on the source image, the mode might be RGBA, which can't # be JPEG-ified. thumb = thumb.convert("RGB") return thumb
[docs] def clear(self): """ Fill the image with whatever "empty" value is most appropriate for its mode. Notes ----- The image is assumed to be writable, which will not be the case for images constructed from PIL. If the mode is RGB or RGBA, the buffer is filled with zeros. If the mode is floating-point, the buffer is filled with NaNs. """ if self._mode in ( ImageMode.RGB, ImageMode.RGBA, ImageMode.U8, ImageMode.I16, ImageMode.I32, ): self.asarray().fill(0) elif self._mode in (ImageMode.F32, ImageMode.F64, ImageMode.F16x3): self.asarray().fill(np.nan) else: raise Exception("unhandled mode in clear()")