Source code for toasty.toast

# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013-2022 Chris Beaumont and the AAS WorldWide Telescope project
# Licensed under the MIT License.

"""Computations for the TOAST projection scheme and tile pyramid format.

For all TOAST maps, the north pole is in the dead center of the virtual image
square, the south pole is at all four of its corners, and the equator is a
diamond connecting the midpoints of the four sides of the square. (See Figure 3
of McGlynn+ 2019, DOI:10.3847/1538-4365/aaf79e).

For TOAST maps of the sky, the line of RA (lon) = 0 in the northern hemisphere
extends from the center of the square to the right, as in the Figure 3 mentioned
above. The RA = 90 line goes from the center up, and so on counter-clockwise
around the square.

For TOAST planetary maps, the lon = 0 line in the northern hemisphere extends
from the center of the square to the *left*. The lon = 90 line extends
downwards, and increasing longitude results in counter-clockwise motion around
the square as for sky maps. In other words, the longitudinal orientation is
rotated by 180 degrees.


__all__ = """

from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum
import numpy as np

from ._libtoasty import subsample, mid
from .image import Image
from .progress import progress_bar
from .pyramid import Pos, tiles_at_depth

HALFPI = 0.5 * np.pi
THREEHALFPI = 1.5 * np.pi
TWOPI = 2 * np.pi

def _arclength(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
    """Compute the length of an arc along the great circle defined by spherical
    latitude and longitude coordinates. Inputs and return value are all in

    c = np.sin(lat1) * np.sin(lat2) + np.cos(lon1 - lon2) * np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2)
    return np.arccos(c)

def _spherical_triangle_area(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, lat3, lon3):
    """Compute the area of the specified spherical triangle in steradians. Inputs
    are in radians. From . My initial
    implementation used unit vectors on the sphere instead of latitudes and
    longitudes; there might be a faster way to do things in lat/lon land.

    c = _arclength(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
    a = _arclength(lat2, lon2, lat3, lon3)
    b = _arclength(lat3, lon3, lat1, lon1)
    s = 0.5 * (a + b + c)
    tane4 = np.sqrt(
        np.tan(0.5 * s)
        * np.tan(0.5 * (s - a))
        * np.tan(0.5 * (s - b))
        * np.tan(0.5 * (s - c))
    e = 4 * np.arctan(tane4)
    return e

[docs] class ToastCoordinateSystem(Enum): """ Different TOAST coordinate systems that are in use. """ ASTRONOMICAL = "astronomical" """The default TOAST coordinate system, where the ``lat = lon = 0`` point lies at the middle right edge of the TOAST projection square.""" PLANETARY = "planetary" """The planetary TOAST coordinate system. This is rotated 180 degrees in longitude from the astronomical system, such that the ``lat = lon = 0`` point lies at the middle left edge of the TOAST projection square."""
Tile = namedtuple("Tile", "pos corners increasing") _level1_astronomical_lonlats = np.radians( [ [(0, -90), (90, 0), (0, 90), (180, 0)], [(90, 0), (0, -90), (0, 0), (0, 90)], [(180, 0), (0, 90), (270, 0), (0, -90)], [(0, 90), (0, 0), (0, -90), (270, 0)], ] ) _level1_astronomical_lonlats.flags.writeable = False def _create_level1_tiles(coordsys): lonlats = _level1_astronomical_lonlats if coordsys == ToastCoordinateSystem.PLANETARY: lonlats = lonlats.copy() lonlats[..., 0] = (lonlats[..., 0] + np.pi) % TWOPI return [ Tile(Pos(n=1, x=0, y=0), lonlats[0], True), Tile(Pos(n=1, x=1, y=0), lonlats[1], False), Tile(Pos(n=1, x=0, y=1), lonlats[2], False), Tile(Pos(n=1, x=1, y=1), lonlats[3], True), ]
[docs] def toast_tile_area(tile): """Calculate the area of a TOAST tile in steradians. Parameters ---------- tile : :class:`Tile` A TOAST tile. Returns ------- The area of the tile in steradians. Notes ----- This computation is not very fast. """ ul, ur, lr, ll = tile.corners if tile.increasing: a1 = _spherical_triangle_area(ul[1], ul[0], ur[1], ur[0], ll[1], ll[0]) a2 = _spherical_triangle_area(ur[1], ur[0], lr[1], lr[0], ll[1], ll[0]) else: a1 = _spherical_triangle_area(ul[1], ul[0], ur[1], ur[0], lr[1], lr[0]) a2 = _spherical_triangle_area(ul[1], ul[0], ll[1], ll[0], lr[1], lr[0]) return a1 + a2
def _equ_to_xyz(lat, lon): """ Convert equatorial to cartesian coordinates. Lat and lon are in radians. Output is on the unit sphere. """ clat = np.cos(lat) return np.array( [ np.cos(lon) * clat, np.sin(lat), np.sin(lon) * clat, ] ) def _left_of_half_space_score(point_a, point_b, test_point): """ A variant of WWT Window's IsLeftOfHalfSpace. When determining which tile a given RA/Dec lives in, it is inevitable that rounding errors can make seem that certain coordinates are not contained by *any* tile. Unlike IsLeftOfHalf space, which returns a boolean based on the dot product calculated here, we return a number <= 0, where 0 indicates that the test point is *definitely* in the left half-space defined by the A and B points. Negative values tell us how far into the right space the point is; when rounding errors are biting us, that value might be something like -1e-16. """ return min(, point_b), test_point), 0) def _toast_tile_containment_score(tile, lat, lon): """ Assess whether a TOAST tile contains a given point. Parameters ---------- tile : :class:`Tile` A TOAST tile lat : number The latitude (declination) of the point, in radians. lon : number The longitude (RA) of the point, in radians. This value must have already been normalied to lie within the range [0, 2pi] (inclusive on both ends.) Returns ------- A floating-point "containment score" number. If this number is zero, the point definitely lies within the tile. Otherwise, the number will be negative, with more negative values indicating a greater distance from the point to the nearest tile boundary. Due to inevitable roundoff errors, there are situations where, given a certain point and tile, the point "should" be contained in the tile, but due to roundoff errors, its score will not be exactly zero. """ # Derived from ToastTile.IsPointInTile. if tile.pos.n == 0: return 0 # Note that our labeling scheme is different than that used in WWT proper. if tile.pos.n == 1: if lon >= 0 and lon <= HALFPI and tile.pos.x == 1 and tile.pos.y == 0: return 0 if lon > HALFPI and lon <= np.pi and tile.pos.x == 0 and tile.pos.y == 0: return 0 if lon > np.pi and lon < THREEHALFPI and tile.pos.x == 0 and tile.pos.y == 1: return 0 if lon >= THREEHALFPI and lon <= TWOPI and tile.pos.x == 1 and tile.pos.y == 1: return 0 return -100 test_point = _equ_to_xyz(lat, lon) ul = _equ_to_xyz(tile.corners[0][1], tile.corners[0][0]) ur = _equ_to_xyz(tile.corners[1][1], tile.corners[1][0]) lr = _equ_to_xyz(tile.corners[2][1], tile.corners[2][0]) ll = _equ_to_xyz(tile.corners[3][1], tile.corners[3][0]) upper = _left_of_half_space_score(ul, ur, test_point) right = _left_of_half_space_score(ur, lr, test_point) lower = _left_of_half_space_score(lr, ll, test_point) left = _left_of_half_space_score(ll, ul, test_point) return upper + right + lower + left
[docs] def toast_tile_for_point(depth, lat, lon, coordsys=ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL): """ Identify the TOAST tile at a given depth that contains the given point. Parameters ---------- depth : non-negative integer The TOAST tile pyramid depth to drill down to. For any given depth, there exists a tile containing the input point. As the depth gets larger, the precision of the location gets more precise. lat : number The latitude (declination) of the point, in radians. lon : number The longitude (RA) of the point, in radians. This value must have already been normalized to lie within the range [0, 2pi] (inclusive on both ends.) coordsys : optional :class:`ToastCoordinateSystem` The TOAST coordinate system to use. Default is :attr:`ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL`. Returns ------- The :class:`Tile` at the given depth that best contains the specified point. """ lon = lon % TWOPI if depth == 0: return Tile(Pos(n=0, x=0, y=0), (None, None, None, None), False) for tile in _create_level1_tiles(coordsys): if _toast_tile_containment_score(tile, lat, lon) == 0.0: break while tile.pos.n < depth: # Due to inevitable roundoff errors in the tile construction process, it # can arise that we find that the point is contained in a certain tile # but not contained in any of its children. We deal with this reality by # using the "containment score" rather than a binary in/out # classification. If no sub-tile has a containment score of zero, we # choose whichever tile has the least negative score. In typical # roundoff situations that score will be something like -1e-16. best_score = -np.inf for child in _div4(tile): score = _toast_tile_containment_score(child, lat, lon) if score == 0.0: tile = child break if score > best_score: tile = child best_score = score return tile
[docs] def toast_tile_get_coords(tile): """ Get the coordinates of the pixel centers of a TOAST Tile. Parameters ---------- tile : :class:`Tile` A TOAST tile Returns ------- A tuple ``(lons, lats)``, each of which is a 256x256 array of longitudes and latitudes of the tile pixel centers, in radians. """ return subsample( tile.corners[0], tile.corners[1], tile.corners[2], tile.corners[3], 256, tile.increasing, )
[docs] def toast_pixel_for_point(depth, lat, lon, coordsys=ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL): """ Identify the pixel within a TOAST tile at a given depth that contains the given point. Parameters ---------- depth : non-negative integer The TOAST tile pyramid depth to drill down to. For any given depth, there exists a tile containing the input point. As the depth gets larger, the precision of the location gets more precise. lat : number The latitude (declination) of the point, in radians. lon : number The longitude (RA) of the point, in radians. This value must have already been normalized to lie within the range [0, 2pi] (inclusive on both ends.) coordsys : optional :class:`ToastCoordinateSystem` The TOAST coordinate system to use. Default is :attr:`ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL`. Returns ------- A tuple ``(tile, x, y)``. The *tile* is the :class:`Tile` at the given depth that best contains the specified point. The *x* and *y* values are floating-point numbers giving the pixel location within the 256×256 tile. The returned values are derived from a quadratic fit to the TOAST coordinates of the pixels nearest the specified coordinates *lat* and *lon*. """ tile = toast_tile_for_point(depth, lat, lon, coordsys=coordsys) # Now that we have the tile, get its pixel locations and identify the pixel # that is closest to the input position. lons, lats = toast_tile_get_coords(tile) dist2 = (lons - lon) ** 2 + (lats - lat) ** 2 min_y, min_x = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(dist2), (256, 256)) # Now, identify a postage stamp around that best-fit pixel and fit a biquadratic # mapping lat/lon to y/x. halfsize = 4 x0 = max(min_x - halfsize, 0) y0 = max(min_y - halfsize, 0) x1 = min(min_x + halfsize + 1, 256) y1 = min(min_y + halfsize + 1, 256) dist2_stamp = dist2[y0:y1, x0:x1] lons_stamp = lons[y0:y1, x0:x1] lats_stamp = lats[y0:y1, x0:x1] flat_lons = lons_stamp.flatten() flat_lats = lats_stamp.flatten() A = np.array( [ flat_lons * 0 + 1, flat_lons, flat_lats, flat_lons**2, flat_lons * flat_lats, flat_lats**2, ] ).T ygrid, xgrid = np.indices(dist2_stamp.shape) x_coeff, _r, _rank, _s = np.linalg.lstsq(A, xgrid.flatten(), rcond=None) y_coeff, _r, _rank, _s = np.linalg.lstsq(A, ygrid.flatten(), rcond=None) # Evaluate the polynomial to get the refined pixel coordinates. pt = np.array( [ 1, lon, lat, lon**2, lon * lat, lat**2, ] ) x =, pt) y =, pt) return tile, x0 + x, y0 + y
def _postfix_corner(tile, depth, filter, bottom_only): """ Yield subtiles of a given tile, in postfix (deepest-first) order. Parameters ---------- tile : Tile Parameters of the current tile. depth : int The depth to descend to. filter : function(Tile)->bool A filter function; only tiles for which the function returns True will be investigated. bottom_only : bool If True, only yield tiles at max_depth. """ n = tile.pos.n if n > depth: return if n > 1 and not filter(tile): return for child in _div4(tile): for item in _postfix_corner(child, depth, filter, bottom_only): yield item if n == depth or not bottom_only: yield tile def _div4(tile): """Return the four child tiles of an input tile.""" n, x, y = tile.pos.n, tile.pos.x, tile.pos.y ul, ur, lr, ll = tile.corners increasing = tile.increasing to = mid(ul, ur) ri = mid(ur, lr) bo = mid(lr, ll) le = mid(ll, ul) ce = mid(ll, ur) if increasing else mid(ul, lr) n += 1 x *= 2 y *= 2 return [ Tile(Pos(n=n, x=x, y=y), (ul, to, ce, le), increasing), Tile(Pos(n=n, x=x + 1, y=y), (to, ur, ri, ce), increasing), Tile(Pos(n=n, x=x, y=y + 1), (le, ce, bo, ll), increasing), Tile(Pos(n=n, x=x + 1, y=y + 1), (ce, ri, lr, bo), increasing), ]
[docs] def create_single_tile(pos, coordsys=ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL): """ Create a single TOAST tile. Parameters ---------- pos : :class:`~toasty.pyramid.Pos` The position of the tile that will be created. The depth of the tile must be at least 1. coordsys : optional :class:`ToastCoordinateSystem` The TOAST coordinate system to use. Default is :attr:`ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL`. Returns ------- :class:`Tile` Notes ----- This function should only be used for one-off investigations and debugging. It is much more efficient to use :func:`generate_tiles` for bulk computations. """ if pos.n == 0: raise ValueError("cannot create a Tile for the n=0 tile") children = _create_level1_tiles(coordsys) cur_n = 0 while True: cur_n += 1 ix = (pos.x >> (pos.n - cur_n)) & 0x1 iy = (pos.y >> (pos.n - cur_n)) & 0x1 tile = children[iy * 2 + ix] if cur_n == pos.n: return tile children = _div4(tile)
[docs] def generate_tiles( depth, bottom_only=True, coordsys=ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL ): """Generate a pyramid of TOAST tiles in deepest-first order. Parameters ---------- depth : int The tile depth to recurse to. bottom_only : bool If True, then only the lowest tiles will be yielded. coordsys : optional :class:`ToastCoordinateSystem` The TOAST coordinate system to use. Default is :attr:`ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL`. Yields ------ tile : Tile An individual tile to process. Tiles are yielded deepest-first. The ``n = 0`` depth is not included. """ return generate_tiles_filtered( depth, lambda t: True, bottom_only, coordsys=coordsys )
[docs] def generate_tiles_filtered( depth, filter, bottom_only=True, coordsys=ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL ): """Generate a pyramid of TOAST tiles in deepest-first order, filtering out subtrees. Parameters ---------- depth : int The tile depth to recurse to. filter : function(Tile)->bool A filter function; only tiles for which the function returns True will be investigated. bottom_only : optional bool If True, then only the lowest tiles will be yielded. coordsys : optional :class:`ToastCoordinateSystem` The TOAST coordinate system to use. Default is :attr:`ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL`. Yields ------ tile : Tile An individual tile to process. Tiles are yielded deepest-first. The ``n = 0`` depth is not included. """ for t in _create_level1_tiles(coordsys): if filter(t): for item in _postfix_corner(t, depth, filter, bottom_only): yield item
[docs] def count_tiles_matching_filter( depth, filter, bottom_only=True, coordsys=ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL ): """ Count the number of tiles matching a filter. Parameters ---------- depth : int The tile depth to recurse to. filter : function(Tile)->bool A filter function; only tiles for which the function returns True will be investigated. bottom_only : bool If True, then only the lowest tiles will be processed. coordsys : optional :class:`ToastCoordinateSystem` The TOAST coordinate system to use. Default is :attr:`ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL`. Returns ------- The number of tiles matching the filter. Even if ``bottom_only`` is false, the ``n = 0`` tile is not counted. Notes ----- This function's call signature and tree-exploration semantics match :func:`generate_tiles_filtered`. """ # With a generic filter function, brute force is our only option: n = 0 for _tile in generate_tiles_filtered( depth, filter, bottom_only=bottom_only, coordsys=coordsys ): n += 1 return n
[docs] def sample_layer( pio, sampler, depth, coordsys=ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL, format=None, parallel=None, cli_progress=False, ): """Generate a layer of the TOAST tile pyramid through direct sampling. Parameters ---------- pio : :class:`toasty.pyramid.PyramidIO` A :class:`~toasty.pyramid.PyramidIO` instance to manage the I/O with the tiles in the tile pyramid. sampler : callable The sampler callable that will produce data for tiling. depth : int The depth of the layer of the TOAST tile pyramid to generate. The number of tiles in each layer is ``4**depth``. Each tile is 256×256 TOAST pixels, so the resolution of the pixelization at which the data will be sampled is a refinement level of ``2**(depth + 8)``. coordsys : optional :class:`ToastCoordinateSystem` The TOAST coordinate system to use. Default is :attr:`ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL`. format : optional :class:`str` If provided, override the default data storage format of *pio* with the named format, one of the values in ``toasty.image.SUPPORTED_FORMATS``. parallel : integer or None (the default) The level of parallelization to use. If unspecified, defaults to using all CPUs. If the OS does not support fork-based multiprocessing, parallel processing is not possible and serial processing will be forced. Pass ``1`` to force serial processing. cli_progress : optional boolean, defaults False If true, a progress bar will be printed to the terminal. """ from .pyramid import Pyramid p = Pyramid.new_toast(depth, coordsys=coordsys) proc = ToastSampler(pio, sampler, True, format=format) p.visit_leaves(proc.visit_callback, parallel=parallel, cli_progress=cli_progress)
[docs] def sample_layer_filtered( pio, tile_filter, sampler, depth, coordsys=ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL, parallel=None, cli_progress=False, ): """Populate a subset of a layer of the TOAST tile pyramid through direct sampling. Parameters ---------- pio : :class:`toasty.pyramid.PyramidIO` A :class:`~toasty.pyramid.PyramidIO` instance to manage the I/O with the tiles in the tile pyramid. tile_filter : callable A tile filtering function, suitable for passing to :func:`toasty.toast.generate_tiles_filtered`. sampler : callable The sampler callable that will produce data for tiling. depth : int The depth of the layer of the TOAST tile pyramid to generate. The number of tiles in each layer is ``4**depth``. Each tile is 256×256 TOAST pixels, so the resolution of the pixelization at which the data will be sampled is a refinement level of ``2**(depth + 8)``. coordsys : optional :class:`ToastCoordinateSystem` The TOAST coordinate system to use. Default is :attr:`ToastCoordinateSystem.ASTRONOMICAL`. parallel : integer or None (the default) The level of parallelization to use. If unspecified, defaults to using all CPUs. If the OS does not support fork-based multiprocessing, parallel processing is not possible and serial processing will be forced. Pass ``1`` to force serial processing. cli_progress : optional boolean, defaults False If true, a progress bar will be printed to the terminal. """ from .pyramid import Pyramid p = Pyramid.new_toast_filtered(depth, tile_filter, coordsys=coordsys) proc = ToastSampler(pio, sampler, False, format=format) p.visit_leaves(proc.visit_callback, parallel=parallel, cli_progress=cli_progress)
[docs] class ToastSampler(object): """A utility for performing TOAST sampling on a :class:`~toasty.pyramid.Pyramid`. Parameters ---------- pio : :class:`toasty.pyramid.PyramidIO` Handle for image I/O on the pyramid sampler : callable The sampler callable that will produce data for tiling. clobber : bool If true, data in any existing tiles will be ignored and destroyed. Otherwise, data from existing tiles will be read and updated. The "clobber" mode is faster but will give incorrect results if other sampling operations will be run on this pyramid. format : optional :class:`str` If provided, override the default data storage format of *pio* with the named format, one of the values in ``toasty.image.SUPPORTED_FORMATS``. Notes ----- This class provides a :meth:`visit_callback` method that can be passed to the :meth:`toasty.pyramid.Pyramid.visit_leaves` function. This class preserves some state between calls to help speed up processing.""" def __init__(self, pio, sampler, clobber, format=None): self._pio = pio self._sampler = sampler self._clobber = clobber self._format = format self._invert_into_tiles = pio.get_default_vertical_parity_sign() == 1
[docs] def visit_callback(self, pos, tile): lon, lat = toast_tile_get_coords(tile) sampled_data = self._sampler(lon, lat) if self._invert_into_tiles: sampled_data = sampled_data[::-1] img = Image.from_array(sampled_data) if self._clobber: self._pio.write_image(pos, img, format=self._format) else: with self._pio.update_image( pos, masked_mode=img.mode, default="masked" ) as basis: img.update_into_maskable_buffer( basis, slice(None), slice(None), slice(None), slice(None) )