toasty: Creating TOAST tile pyramids in Python¶
toasty is a Python library that helps you create “tile pyramids” from astronomical image data, as used in the TOAST format. These multi-resolution maps can be viewed in software such as the AAS WorldWide Telescope.
- The toasty Manual
- CLI Reference
- Standard image-loading options
toasty cascade
toasty check-avm
toasty make-thumbnail
toasty pipeline approve
toasty pipeline fetch
toasty pipeline ignore-rejects
toasty pipeline init
toasty pipeline process-todos
toasty pipeline publish
toasty pipeline refresh
toasty show concept-doi
toasty show version
toasty show version-doi
toasty tile-allsky
toasty tile-healpix
toasty tile-study
toasty tile-wwtl
toasty transform fx3-to-rgb
toasty view
Python API Reference¶
- toasty Package
- toasty.builder Module
- toasty.cli Module
- toasty.collection Module
- toasty.fits_tiler Module
- toasty.image Module
- toasty.merge Module
- toasty.multi_tan Module
- toasty.openexr Module
- toasty.par_util Module
- toasty.pipeline Package
- toasty.pipeline.astropix Module
- toasty.pipeline.azure_io Module
- toasty.pipeline.cli Module
- toasty.pipeline.djangoplicity Module
- toasty.pipeline.local_io Module
- toasty.progress Module
- toasty.pyramid Module
- toasty.samplers Module
- Module
- toasty.toast Module
Getting help¶
If you run into any issues when using toasty, please open an issue on its GitHub repository.
The first version of toasty was written by Chris Beaumont.
toasty is part of the AAS WorldWide Telescope system, a .NET Foundation project managed by the non-profit American Astronomical Society (AAS). Work on WWT has been supported by the AAS, the US National Science Foundation (grants 1550701 and 1642446), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and Microsoft.